
Brent getting caffeinated

How to Troubleshoot Blocking and Deadlocking with Scripts and Tools

Deadlocks, Monitoring, sp_BlitzLock
When you need to find which queries are blocking other queries, your decision comes down to when the blocking happened. Is it happening now, recently, or coming up soon? During a live emergency, start with sp_WhoIsActive. Adam Machanic’s excellent free sp_WhoIsActive replaces Activity Monitor, sp_who, and sp_who2, and it’s way more powerful. The documentation is extensive –…
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Getting Sneaky With Forced Parameterization

Execution Plans
Silly Rules I’ve blogged about some of the silly rules about where Forced Parameterization doesn’t work. One rule that really irked me is this one: The TOP, TABLESAMPLE, HAVING, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, OUTPUT…INTO, or FOR XML clauses of a query. TOP and FOR XML, get used, like, everywhere. TOP is pretty obvious in its usage.…
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Not So Forced Parameterization

Execution Plans
Asking The Wrong Question Sometimes, when you wanna turn on a feature, you spend so much time wondering if you should, you don’t bother asking if it’ll even work when you do. There are a long list of things that are incompatible with Forced Parameterization, on a page that’s pretty hard to find. Now, there’s…
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Adventures In Foreign Keys 3: Why Cascading Deletes Perform Slowly

Legendreary In the last post, I looked at some issues with implementing foreign keys with cascading actions. Namely that, well, it fell apart pretty quickly just trying to set up. I didn’t even get to the point where I wanted to test all those relationships. But there’s an even worse surprise waiting for you if…
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The Curse of Cursor Options

Execution Plans
Red Skies At Night I know it’s hard to believe, but I still see a lot of people using cursors when they shouldn’t. Other times, there’s some scary dungeon part of the code that someone wrote eons ago that no one wants to go anywhere near to fix. Sometimes there’s a decent reason, something like:…
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SUM, AVG, and arithmetic overflow

You Shoulda Brought A Bigger Int Sometimes you run a query, and everything goes fine. For a while. For example, if I run this query in the 2010 copy of Stack Overflow, it finishes pretty quickly, and without error. Transact-SQL SELECT u.Id, u.DisplayName, SUM(p.Score) AS SumPostScore, AVG(c.Score) AS SumCommentScore FROM dbo.Users AS u JOIN dbo.Posts…
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Is Cost Threshold for Parallelism Measured in Seconds?

Execution Plans
SQL Server automatically chooses when to divide your query’s work across multiple CPU cores. It makes that decision based on your query’s cost. To see it, let’s throw 1,000,000 tiny rows in a table: Transact-SQL CREATE TABLE dbo.Timeless(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, Stuffing VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO dbo.Timeless (Stuffing) SELECT TOP 1000000 'Stuff' FROM sys.all_columns…
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Skewing Parallelism For Fun And Profit

Execution Plans
What Is Skewed Parallelism? When queries go parallel, some assumptions get made: There’s enough work to keep multiple threads busy Each thread will get an equal amount of work to do The ‘equal amount of work’ part is particularly important, because in a parallel plan, each thread gets an equal share of memory up front.…
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Using NOLOCK? Here’s How You’ll Get the Wrong Query Results.

Slapping WITH (NOLOCK) on your query seems to make it go faster – but what’s the drawback? Let’s take a look. We’ll start with the free public database – any one of them will do, even the 10GB mini one – and run this query: Transact-SQL UPDATE dbo.Users SET WebsiteUrl = ''; 12 UPDATE…
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