4. Screenshot Questions (13m)

In this module, we mix it up a little. Brent shows you a screenshot of something in SQL Server, like a database configuration or a query, and you tell him what you see. He explains what he’d put in the slides, and you can check to see if you caught all the gotchas.

To access this incredible, amazing content, you gotta get DBA Interview Question and Answer Kit or Recorded Class Season Pass, or log in if you already shelled out the cash.

In this module, we mix it up a little. Brent shows you a screenshot of something in SQL Server, like a database configuration or a query, and you tell him what you see. He explains what he’d put in the slides, and you can check to see if you caught all the gotchas.

To access this incredible, amazing content, you gotta get DBA Interview Question and Answer Kit or Recorded Class Season Pass, or log in if you already shelled out the cash.