What People are Finding with sp_Blitz®

SQL Server

My new sp_Blitz® stored procedure helps you take over SQL Servers, identify risks, and build an inventory of what needs to be fixed.  Here’s the video from our Tech Tuesday Triage webcast series this week when I explained how to use it:


In the sp_Blitz® output, I include a link to learn more about each problem on your server.  Thanks to the magic of web site analytics, I can see the most popular issues.

  1. Slow Storage Reads or Writes – so often, our biggest bottleneck is storage.
  2. Untrusted Foreign Keys or Check Constraints – I just recently started checking for this problem myself, and it’s popping up everywhere.
  3. Single-Use Plans in the Procedure Cache – just one isn’t a problem, of course, and the severity of the problem is based on the number you have and the size of memory they take up.  Those numbers are listed in the sp_Blitz® output.
  4. Databases Owned by Users <> SA – and I love that this one hit the top 5 because it was our first user-contributed query in sp_Blitz®, sent in by Ali Razeghi.
  5. Triggers Found on Tables – no surprise there because this was one of the reasons I first started writing my Blitz scripts.  My developers were troubleshooting problems with insert/update statements and had no idea someone else had written a trigger to modify their data.

Those are just five of the checks – and there’s already over fifty.  If you’d like to add a check, email me with your script and the permission to use it, and I’ll add it into sp_Blitz® too.

Check out sp_Blitz® and see what it finds on your own servers!

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Nice one Brent, this could be one of those invaluable procs to go up there with sp_whoisactive.

  • Can I just say you’re a frigging genius? Possibly evil, but a genius nonetheless 🙂

  • Hi Brent,

    First of al thanks, sp_blitz is a lifesaver…. I noticed sp_blitz gives a notice when DBCC checkdb has not been run on the tempdb but when I look at the maintenance scripts from Ola Hallengren she specifically excludes a check on the temp when you ask to a Integrity Check on the system db’s. Do you recommend we modify Ola’s script to check the integrity of the temp db.


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