Should we use stored procedures or queries built in the app?


A client asked a great architecture question that deserved its own blog post:

Should we use more “stored procedures” for select, insert, update, delete or should that just be sent as queries from the application?

If you ask a junior database administrator where to put something, she’ll probably say “in the database” because that’s the thing she has control over. That’s fair – DBAs love having control over stuff. However, let’s step back a little.

If your shop lacks T-SQL expertise, but has a lot of sharp senior application developers, then it may be easier to keep the queries in the app. If you simply make a mandate that “all queries come from stored procedures,” but you don’t give your staff the training necessary to write fast, scalable stored procedures, then the result won’t perform. Database administrators love to bash the queries written by ORMs like Entity Framework and nHibernate, but the reality is that these days, those tools write better queries than untrained developers. Sure, in a perfect world, we’d all be perfectly trained on all of the tools we use, but….

If your shop is good at testing & source controlling app code, but doesn’t have that same level of expertise for testing & source controlling stored procedures, then you’ll probably find versioning and deployment easier when the queries are built into the app code. In the year 2019, testing & source controlling database objects like stored procedures and functions still isn’t quite as easy as app code. It’s getting better, but it’s not there yet.

If you’re good at measuring app code performance, like if you’re good with code speed tools like New Relic that instrument every step of your application code, then you’ll be able to more naturally track down slow queries with those tools. However, if you’re not good at app performance monitoring, you may find it easier to track down slow queries with plan cache tools like sp_BlitzCache.

If you have predictable performance needs, like your business has the same exact workload for months straight, then you can keep code in the application tier. When you start to see performance issues, you can make gradual changes to the code, test that as part of your regular testing processes, and gradually deploy those changes out through your normal release process.

T-SQL Fundamentals by Itzik Ben-Gan

However, if your business has extremely unpredictable performance needs, like a sudden high volume of transactions every few months, and if you don’t do a great job of performance testing ahead of time, then stored procedures can be a better fit. In the heat of a performance emergency, it can be easier to change and deploy a new stored procedure than deploy an entire new build of your application. For example, during one client’s emergency, I implemented this bizarro stored procedure caching technique because it meant the difference between making money, versus their online store being…not online.

In this client’s case, with a team of sharp app developers, none of which had database training, and no database developers or DBAs on the team, the answer was clear: keep the queries in the code. I do try to give folks an avenue to up their game if they want, though – and in your case, if you’ve got developers who want to level up, start them on Itzik’s classic, T-SQL Fundamentals.

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70 Comments. Leave new

  • What about Reports, SSRS ? I’m of the belief that everything depends upon something else or multiple something elses’s. What are all of the something else’s and is the overhead of running a query from SSRS one of them ?

    • I’ve found that from an everyday dev perspective alone (not even thinking about having to fix and redeploy reports at crunch time) report query code is better off as stored procedures. Like everything in the MS “BI Stack”, the UI element you’re given for embedding T-SQL is a miserably small textbox that doesn’t even use a fixed-width font. I wouldn’t say there was an execution performance overhead of any kind for having your queries in the dataset directly, but there are multiple hidden costs from development to maintenance to diagnosis.

      Judicious use of procedure-backed shared datasets etc. is probably going to give you the least headaches overall, but to be honest I find SSRS to be inflexible in all the places I need it not to be, and a bit of a tired old dog to boot (not that I’m saying I know of anything better at the same price (free), just that it’s very difficult to make a decision in it that doesn’t manifest itself as pain somewhere else down the road).

      With SSRS (and indeed your apps and databases) sticking to one paradigm is arguably one of the most important things you can do. I’ve seen apps before that used non-parametrised stored procedures, parametrised stored procedures, parametrised queries in the app, non-parametrised queries in the app that with the results filtered on the client side, dynamic SQL constructed in the app, dynamic SQL constructed in stored procedures, _and_ an ORM simultaneously. The strain on every part of the dev and support lifecycle trying to juggle different ways of doing things is staggering (not to mention that you obviously get crossover between the different approaches, meaning that queries that “do the same thing” end up out of sync with each other).

  • Jason Markantes
    March 27, 2019 9:23 am

    I would add, if your systems have several applications accessing the database (maybe a web app, mobile app, several small internal web interfaces for employees, etc) then stored procedures could help keep data consistent across the access methods. Another layer of security could be enforced at that later also.

    • That’s one of my main issues with it. I go into organizations all the time who have code embedded in apps, and often they say they need to be agile. Yet there are often multiple apps, spreadsheets, reports, Power BI, etc, etc. and the people looking after the DB get to a point where they’re not prepared to change anything, as they have no visibility on what any change that they make will affect. They know if they change something, that someone will scream at them; they just don’t know who, or how big a mess they will have just created. Then, what they’ve actually achieved is the complete opposite of agile.

      More to the point, as well as multiple apps, the apps themselves come and go. Data doesn’t. It’s usually the most valuable thing the organization owns, and it tends to live on and morph from shape to shape over time. Designing your data storage for the needs of one version of one app today isn’t the cleverest thing you’re ever going to do.

  • Jeff Mergler
    March 27, 2019 9:47 am

    If your application must support SQL Server and Oracle, you’re going to code it into the app (and run it through an agnostic Data Access Layer), unless you enjoy doing everything 2x in 2 slightly different dialects. I don’t know how common this is elsewhere but at my shop, its our day, every day: We try to avoid the duplication because who says this and is happy to hear it? “OK, your code passes on SQL Server, now go clone it for our Oracle customers” (cue the sobbing sounds now). Some things that are very loop intensive like crunching rows of data (maybe in a cursor, gasp!) and creating new data from that, are definitely done in stored procs but in general we try to code smart SQL in our app and use sp_BlitzCache to find the stinkers on the sucker board. And we do find stinkers, in code -and- in stored procs, so location matters less than SQL competency, in my experience.

    • Jeff – you are absolutely right. The cross-platform thing is a big cause of that heartache. I went down that path as a developer, and I’ve got the scars. Seemed like such a good idea at the time…

    • “It Depends”. Writing “generic” applications sounds attractive but, if you need to do anything other than basic C.R.U.D., then you’ll likely find yourself in deep Kimchi when it comes to performance or, sometimes, even being able to achieve certain functionality. The “dialects” between SQL Server and Oracle are not trivially different nor are the “extensions” to the SQL language.

      Obviously, I have the opposite scars of Brent.

  • I second Budd’s question. Don’t SPs make sense for SSRS? It seems as if they would offer easier source code control and allow us to swap in upgrades to individual SPs

  • “with a team of sharp app developers, none of which had database training, the answer was clear”. The answer is clear to me (but different to the suggested one): if you don’t have someone in your team with critical skills that are needed by the team, you hire someone with those skills, instead of more clones of yourself. The biggest hassle with database code that’s tucked inside apps, spreadsheets, access dbs, reports, etc. is that anyone who needs to modify the DB has no visibility on it at all. All they know is that if they change something, someone will scream at them, and they don’t know who. That actually leads to the opposite of the agility they no doubt claim they were trying to achieve.

    • Greg – yeah, I totally hear you, but in a startup with 3 developers, “hire someone with those skills” is a non-trivial spend. That’s the difference between having, say, 6 months of runway, versus 3 months of runway.

      • What I find frustrating about those teams is that data is often the most important thing they do, yet it’s the area they aren’t skilled in. That is not sensible, even for small teams. But the problem is that it permeates even large teams. I spent a lot of time at a site with 500 devs, all clones of each other, none with data experience, and yet that’s the primary thing they do.

      • To give a specific example: I was at a startup in North Sydney last year. They had 14 developers who’d worked for 4 years on a SaaS application. They were two weeks from needing to show it to the shareholders. The manager told me if they could have 1000 concurrent users, they had a viable business. If it was only 500, the business was shaky. At the time, they couldn’t get past 9. All issues with how they used the DB.

        • John Zabroski
          March 29, 2019 3:58 am

          That still happens today (2019)? I would love to read what they were doing.

        • “They were two weeks from needing to show it to the stakeholders.”

          I was laughing out loud before I even finished reading the comment because I knew where that was going. You are such a phenomenally good fit for situations like that – you’ve got the knowledge and such a wonderfully polite, delicate touch. I’d have loved to have been a fly on the wall.

      • There is another thing, DB procedure logics is going to be always quicker that app, given app developer skills == sql developer skills. Obviously, you need guys who do actually know what exec plan is, SQL is giving enormous possibilities if you know how to use them.

  • Often, in these discussions, the 2 options are considered to be mutually exclusive – “an ORM and stored procedures can’t possibly coexist.” I’m a proponent of the “Not every problem is a nail. Don’t always use a hammer.” approach. Both solutions have their “sweet spots”, and when you deviate from it, there are going to be problems.

    I have seen countless times where developers try to make Entity Framework do things that it is not particularly good at – extremely complex queries, reporting queries, batch DML operations, etc. In these cases performance always suffers significantly, and stored procedures are a much better option. Entity Framework generally allows for reduced development time and query flexibility. There are some very subtle gotchas, as well – selecting all columns, lazy loading, implicit conversion problems from incorrect table mappings, performance regressions from internal calls to DetectChanges(), misuse of LINQ deferred execution, a plethora of issues with IEnumerable.Contains(), etc. There are also certain query patterns in T-SQL that do not have a corresponding syntax in LINQ.

    If you need finer control over the SQL being generated for better performance, use a properly written and tuned stored procedure. With that being said, stored procedures can easily be misused, as well. Brent has documented these problems again and again – optional parameter queries, function calls, cursors, implicit conversions, SQL injection vulnerabilities, etc.

    I say this coming from a hybrid viewpoint – a former developer and current database developer that speaks both T-SQL and LINQ.

    • Alex Friedman
      March 28, 2019 12:16 am

      This is very interesting, I would love to read a blog post detailing all these issues and their solutions!

    • This is where I tend to come down too. We’ve tended to use a combination of stored procs and ADO.Net — stored procs for the CRUD and other more complicated task and ADO.NET for simpler things (like fetching values to populate a drop down box).

      Other considerations:
      Sometimes (e.g., when the app and the related database are done by different groups or even different vendors). When there’s a problem, it is useful to use stored procs as a line of demarcation — so we can quickly find out who owns the problem (or at least who takes the lead).

      Some problems can be solved at the database/stored proc level but don’t really involve the rest of the application. If all the queries are handled in the application then you’re in for a (typically more complicated) “bugfix” / “release” cycle

  • Every connection using the application code will require its dedicated compilation. In case of SPs in database these are not recompiled at every execution request and it is a big performance factor.

    • This is definitely not true. The text of the query (including all whitespace) is hashed & stored with the execution plan.

      If you dynamically generate the query text, then each distinct formulation will be cached.

  • No, ad hoc queries are cached as well.

  • I don’t have experience with all ORMs, but Entity Framework (starting in version 5) also automatically compiles LINQ queries on first execution, so that the generated SQL statement for the LINQ query is cached for subsequent executions (similar to how SQL Server caches a query plan at the database level). There are some documented exceptions (IEnumerable.Contains(), for example), to this rule. The EF-level query caching is a big performance boost, as complex LINQ statements typically take significantly longer to compile than SQL Server does to build a query plan for the corresponding SQL statement.

  • Alex Friedman
    March 28, 2019 5:29 am

    Caught EF generating fun SQL like this one today:

    CAST(NULL AS bigint) AS [C1],
    CAST(NULL AS uniqueidentifier) AS [C2],
    CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) AS [C3],
    CAST(NULL AS int) AS [C4],
    CAST(NULL AS datetimeoffset) AS [C5],
    CAST(NULL AS datetimeoffset) AS [C6]
    FROM ( SELECT 1 AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable1]
    WHERE 1 = 0

  • Always use sprocs, as DBA’s we should be teaching our devs why.
    1) Consolidated Business Logic “See Jason Markantes comment” was the reason the stored procedure layer was built in the 70’s.
    2) Multiple Query Plan Cache, based on parameters that survive reboot.
    “Greg Low” Yes, Ad-hoc query plans are cached as long as the hash and the parameter types are the same. Pass in a null and the plan is void. IF you have an OR against the values, then the Plan you are using might be very expensive, instead of leveraging a better plan (or [deleted]=@deleted)
    3) Leverage the concept for Oracle. Every other DB Engine will require a DAL to be constructed or use ad-hoc. If you build your DAL with a view for both, then you can leverage either. Call GetCustomer {if SQL Exec else Build Query}

    The only permission I grant in Secure Databases is EXEC

    • Randy – I’m going to be a little gentle here, but a lot of your assumptions here aren’t quite correct. It’s a little beyond what I can cover here in a blog post comment, but I’ll just suggest maybe checking out our Mastering Query Tuning classes when you get time. Might be time to hit the books.

    • Randy this is a little late, but for future readers – While it’s true that SPs are a saviour when you need an optimization or for other reasons, most proponents of modern app-architecture will advise that you keep as much of the actions on business logic in the code. I have found this to be a beneficial thing as a dev; the SPs just get me to the data.

  • I really like SQL so in personal projects everything is a stored proc/inline TVF. But at companies I work for that is not typically the case. I can see a use case for both. But you also get insight into your procs/functions when you have them all on the database. And you get the performance boost from having actual queries. Right now we hit the tables on a per table basis except for some exceptions. So we are just nailing the database instead of using joins. Seems very inefficient to me, but whatever that’s the way they want to do it so that is the way I’ll do it.

    I’m also surprised how many high quality knowledgeable devs don’t have basic knowledge of SQL, so perhaps it is better this way.

  • Oh, and by-the-way I love that book. I feel like I have a fairly descent grasp of T-SQL but that book still taught me quite a bit. I’m a dev first and a database guy second so it’s not my main job but I still find myself doing quite a bit of work in SQL.

    I’ve been passing that book around, well, to at least one dev so far. Once he is done I’ll pass it around to others.

  • Last comment, maybe :-). One downside of using stored procs/inlined TVFs is that it can be more difficult to create abstractions of code. Which can be a good (you don’t over abstract) or bad (you need to abstract but the language makes it difficult to impossible) thing.

    Like joining tables with one table resulting in a single set of languages and ordering them efficiently requires that you have the same language filter. But since T-SQL doesn’t have a good way to abstract that code you end up having to do code generation or manually changing it in all the different stored procs/functions.

    So, as much as I love SQL, it has its warts.

  • […] Should we use stored procedures or queries built in the app? Brent (T) discusses the scenarios when queries from an app might be reasonable. […]

  • John Hennesey
    April 1, 2019 7:40 am

    Goodness, this hit some nerves with the community! 🙂 I used to believe putting it in the db was the best approach [it can cache the plans much cleaner, right?] But then I started working in my current shop.

    * Support both Oracle and Sql.
    * Prevent customers from modifying the stored procs [they really do that?!? Yep].
    * Stronger dev’s than db people.

    As with everything we do, there are pro’s and con’s to each approach – in our case it opened my eyes and made me much more accepting of the embed in code approach.

  • In my opinion, it comes down to the speed at which you can deploy fixes. If your SQL Statement has an bug, and that statement is in a Stored Procedure, I can update the stored proc on the client’s system right away to get them working, and then later follow up with that in an official software update. If it’s in application code, I’m forced to deploy new software to fix the issue. Depending on your application deployment strategy, that may or may not be a big difference.

    In the products I work on, we try hard to reduce the time between finding the bug and having a new software ready to install, so it isn’t really an issue. Because, most of the time, the bugs aren’t in the interface to SQL Server, so having that cycle time as small as possible brings benefits to all bug classes.

  • Apologies if someone already addressed this, but one thing I prefer about stored procs over queries embedded within the application is that stored procs make it so much easier to keep track of dependencies. For example, if I need to make a schema change or upgrade my database version I can run a simple query to find all of my code dependencies. Not so with embedded queries.

    • John Zabroski
      April 1, 2019 2:29 pm

      Phil, That is why I created the following ticket with Entity Framework:

      It appears this suggestion has been reiterated many times but keeps getting closed, such as this one:

    • That particular advantage of stored procs can be addressed by creating data service that all application code must use. The database cannot be accessed directly in any way (i.e no client side dynamic SQL or prepared statements) and the schema is not exposed.

      • But that only works in simple environments. Most serious environments have many app layers that need to access the DB. How would you even construct a data service that could service say Java apps and Excel?

        • Mark Messer
          July 25, 2019 5:48 pm

          I worked for a San Francisco-based financial software company that has been selling trading software to the largest financial institutions in the world for over twenty years. The API is via RMI – clients would connect to a data server that exclusively talked to the underlying relational database. The system is also pub/sub event driven. The API dealt with business concepts, not tables, rows and attributes. There are many engines (tiers) which subscribe and publish events and make calls to the data server, for example a market data engine, position engine, message engine, etc. A client can create their own engines and remote API’s to customize. Of course they’ve modernized the architecture a bit over the years (“cloud”, “microservices”), but the general architecture remained pretty much the same for at least fifteen years.

  • Adelio Stevanato
    April 2, 2019 2:29 am

    The main issue with having lots of code outside of the database is the assumption that there is only a single route to get data into the database.
    We have at least 2 different ways to get data into the database SSIS and a Web based App
    SSIS only sees the database so to my mind as much logic as is possible/reasonable should be at the lowest level.
    I still hear some people arguing that we do not need referential integrity in the database as it “slows it down” and it can all be done in the front end. O.M.G.
    Well I can tell you that I have worked on applications where the database has ZERO Foreign keys or check constraints and many routes to get data into the database and you can guess how well that works!
    To my mind if you can put a FK or check constraints (Or even triggers) in the database then it does not matter how many paths the data comes in from you should end up with a lot less issues with data. All it takes is someone to perform a manual update to some data and miss out some important stuff to mess up the data.
    I do not care it the FK makes the update take a little longer. Generally the speed difference is minor but the chances of invalid data getting into in the database are greatly reduced. Fixing invalid data retrospectivly can also take up a lot of time.

  • Antonio Cortina
    May 30, 2019 2:49 pm

    What about Test-Driven Database Development (TDDD)?. There are some good frameworks out there.

  • Antonio Cortina
    July 2, 2019 7:20 am

    I’m working on some data-driven projects (BI/Warehousing projects) and we’re using Test-driven database development to manage database changes with great results. Does anyone has any experience?

  • The problem is the vast majority of people who believe they are “sharp senior application developers” are anything but. If IT in your organization is driven by application development and their consistent justification for everything is NOT performance, scalability, maintainability, security, but IS instead “what’s easiest to code” run away. Every problem they create will be blamed on the “database”. Every performance issue with be a “database issue”.

    • I agree with your statement in its entirety, but it does not have to be so black and white. I am not advocating that dynamic SQL should be sprinkled all over the application space. The persistence layer can be implemented outside of the database, i.e. without using stored procedures. Often there is a dedicated infrastructure team that develops and maintains this code. These engineers are typically more seasoned and savvy than run of the mill application developers.

  • Bryant McClellan
    January 2, 2020 7:22 am

    From the text above, “If your shop is good at testing & source controlling app code”…

    That shouldn’t even be a question anymore. You may not want to deal with TFVC or SubVersion but you can easily control source code in git. Just make use of SSDT to help get you there.

    As for testing (I assume this to mean unit testing) there is no reason not to be doing database unit testing. We are a tSQLt shop. The huge advantage to separating database code from application code is that the database code can be independently tested. If it is embedded through an ORM you are at best doing integration testing, which is not the same thing at all.

    • Bryant – so when you say “there is no reason not to be doing database unit testing,” you’re also saying implementing unit tests with tSQLt takes zero time, and can be done by anyone that you hire off the street without any training.

      As someone who’s experimented with tSQLt, I would respectfully disagree with you there.

      • Bryant McClellan
        January 2, 2020 7:32 am

        There is nothing that takes zero time. There are some things that are valuable from the POV of time invested versus benefit returned. What I was trying to say is people are no longer stuck with VSS and a lack of database unit testing options.

        I’ll agree on the tSQLt not being easy part. It was a slog at first but now everyone here who actually writes database code writes tSQLt. It is a non-negotiable requirement. We teach it in-house. And we have developed our own extensions. Our investment means better and more trustworthy code. We have loaded the time in front to write better code, not in back to fix it.

        • So it doesn’t take zero time, and it’s not easy, but “there is no reason not to be doing” it, eh?

          I see.

          • Bryant McClellan
            January 2, 2020 7:42 am

            Being (not doing) Agile is not easy and it doesn’t take zero time but many think there is no reason we shouldn’t be doing it. Ditto DevOps. Yet they provide value for a cost, right?

          • Bryant – just hit the brakes for a while and think about what you’re saying.

            Not all businesses can afford to do everything that claims to provide value for a cost because not all businesses can afford every cost.

            Maybe attend a local user group and talk to other folks who are developing apps, or talk to your project managers about how they decide to prioritize some things over others.

  • Used to use stored procedures for every operation we did in our system. It just became a mess in the end to source control, test, and deploy.

    • That’s what SQL Server Data Tools is for. Keep things nice and clean.

      • …and keep things tied to Microsoft

        • @Mark Messer, Yes, you need to consider all the different considerations of your organization. Normally you should take a good hard look at what data store you are going to use since it is more rare and sometimes even foolish to switch databases.

          So, if you took the proper time and consideration and decided that you want to use SQL Server and you want to buy into that ecosystem and you decide you want to use Stored Procs/Inline Table-Valued Functions then please use something like SSDT to keep your code clean and organized – just like you would in any other code base.

          I hope that is enough caveats for you 🙂

  • One thing I wisth that SQL server had is howe ORACLE stored procedures work.
    A Bit like a class. can have multiple public and private methods.
    Makes it a lot simpler to keep everything together rather than a lot off little stored procs.

  • You are not considering the ability to make database changes without code refactoring.

    Having all access to the database performed via a stored procedure isolation layer, allows database changes to be made without having to refactor application code. As long as the stored proc layer provides the same result set and the call parameters remain the same, the database structure can be changed without these changes affecting the application.
    This has two major advantages – the first is that it avoids the situation where necessary database changes are postponed/avoided due to the associated application refactoring effort. The second (and perhaps the greatest advantage) is architectural – this isolation layer enables data governance, where the business users are responsible for producing the data dictionary that underpins the database structures and for governing the quality of the data in the database. If they decide that the definition needs to change (e.g. so that multiple systems conform to it and can thus be integrated), and the effort to change the application is so great that this change cannot be made, any data governance initiative is doomed to failure. IT has taken over the role of business and integration of applications becomes virtually impossible (a problem that is keeping 90% of IT executives awake at night, according to Gartner). Implement a stored proc isolation layer so that the database structures can be changed and only a few stored procs need to be rewritten, rather than have pervasive associated application changes having to be made, and the problem disappears.

    • Mark – slow up a little and read the post, chief. There’s a whole paragraph dedicated to that in “If your shop is good at testing & source controlling app code” – and it’s not even at the end of the post, man, it’s like the third paragraph.

      • “… slow up and read the post, chief”.
        Brent, there isn’t a mention of enabling Data Governance and the benefit that this brings in your entire article, simply a pretty dismissive “If you ask a junior database administrator where to put something, she’ll probably say “in the database” because that’s the thing she has control over.”
        The sentence you refer me to also has the conclusion that “… you’ll probably find versioning and deployment easier when the queries are built into the app code.”
        Your comments are application-centric and, as we are talking architecture here, you need to consider the bigger, enterprise-level picture.
        In this case, you are not talking to a junior database administrator but to someone who has 40 years of data architecture experience and who has delivered the Charles Schwab enterprise data warehouse, as well as recovered the project to integrate the BI platforms for Lloyds Bank and HBOS – two of the largest banks in the world.
        Look up from what is good for a single application and consider the larger IT picture. Scattering database access code across multiple applications is a really bad idea when it comes to the big picture. It essentially disables any data governance initiative due to the effort involved in making the changes needed to have a common data dictionary, which in turn makes integrating systems virtually impossible and building enterprise data warehouses and MDM systems extremely difficult.

    • Mark, I’d have to ask, have you seen this successfully applied?
      I have heard this promise many times over the years, but unfortunately I have yet to even hear an anecdotal story of it paying off.

      Reason being is that the change is so big you have to refactor the app anyway, or small enough to do with a view. Or … these kinds of refactors just are never needed. And if new app needs a change, just use open/closed principle on tables. All are basically free. But mandatory SPs are hugely expensive, if DBAs do it it’s the worst because you add like 100 per$on-to-per$son handoffs to the projects, even if Devs have full control it’s expensive: This is an out-of-process layer that adds bugs, hampers discovery, slows debugging, and 5-10 more cons. Yes there are times when it pays but devs consult with DBAs before construction to suss out that 2-5% it does … Hint hint, if you don’t know it will pay before you do it, don’t do it. it’s YAGNI and you might as well built out a unicorn in the app “just in case you need it”

      And our experience confirms. In our shop, it paid off for about 100 of the 1000s of (data-access only therefore written just for that purpose) SPs we wrote over the past 15 years. And in that case, the apps were being touched, repository pattern being added, it would have been 10% more work to swap repositories in the app.config instead of the DB’s and it would have left the devs autonomous of the DBAs (more than paying it back thru the SDLC stages). This isn’t counting the 50 SPs we _did_ try to repurpose to a different data source during a different project and finding it completely unable to perform, had to roll back and re-engineer a solution at the last minute (fool me once). This doesn’t even begin to consider the cost of the remaining 1000s of SPs that were never … and will never … have a payback, and will sit there charging tech-debit-interest forever.

      Either way, it goes back to YAGNI. ‘don’t build for something that might happen’. Where is the bar for ‘might’? inversely proportional to the cost of the build!

      • Al, yes, I have seen this done successfully, in multiple cases. What it does require, however, is active management of the library of stored procedures that are developed and a planned approach by the data architect as to which SPs get built.
        The approach no only enables data governance, with its multiple associated benefits, but also has a number of benefits with regards to database efficiency, code maintainability, enables the database engine deadlock detection and resolution mechanism, has security and encryption benefits, etc.

  • Carlos Bercero
    October 27, 2020 1:31 pm

    Keeping the query in the code doesn’t make it better. The same messed up query will poor perform inside or outside an SP.
    I think a final statement would be: If you know zero T-SQL, the let the ORM do the work for you as much as possible. If you need fine tuning or have high performance requirements, hire an SQL Developer to write efficient queries, in code or in SPs (preferably in SPs because of all the reasons you mentioned).

  • People drawing reports in Tableau and people developing with a mouse in “Outsystems” keeps me rolling in DBA money.

  • Personally, I do not like the idea of the application having direct access to Tables. I have successfully implemented this approach with a large-scale application for a fortune 500 company. I prefer to give the app access to Stored procs and Views only in an ‘API’ schema. Better security and when doing any database re-design/refactoring you know the App ins and outs. It forces better communication between DevOps and the DBA teams. Consistent query patterns against tables generally reduce the number of required indexes. Index Equity column ordering does still matter in many cases. Query consistency matters. You cannot control that if you can’t see the many variants of AdHoc queries the DevOps team writes. DevOps is usually a wider team than DBAs and you generally see many more ‘styles’ of SQL Coding from that group. In my overall experience anyway.

    • 100% agree, Byer.
      Additional benefits are provided in that the database engine can implement its internal deadlock detection and resolution mechanisms (developers need to duplicate this functionality by writing it into their application code, often inconsistently across development teams and over time), and the internal database access security, encryption, etc. mechanisms can be enforced centrally / consistently across all applications using the database, rather than having developers duplicate this already available functionality in multiple places / across multiple applications, again, often inconsistently across teams and over time.

  • Joshua Kincaid
    November 17, 2023 2:25 pm

    Data access code is a continuum. Start with application coded queries and find reasons a database tier solution makes sense. Every solution has trade offs.

    I also wanted to comment on enterprises that have all kinds of no code to apps hitting their database systems. If you have a monolith and haven’t rearchitected to a more microservice based approach. That’s your problem. It’s much bigger than complaining who has access to a database. Although that is a symptom of the bigger problem. I wouldn’t worry. If the enterprise solves the problem, there will be more databases not less.


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