SQL Server Common Table Expressions

Common table expressions are a feature of SQL that lets a developer create a query that can be referenced multiple times. This feature gives developers another tool to add flexibility or just to simplify code.

Why Common Table Expression?

Why is it called a Common Table Expression (CTE)? Because that’s what the documentation calls it!


No, seriously, that’s it. Different databases have different terms for this feature. That’s what we call it in SQL Server.

What does a CTE do?

A CTE effectively creates a temporary view that a developer can reference multiple times in the underlying query. You can think of the CTE as if it were an inline view.

Here’s a slight re-write of a StackExchange query to find interesting and unanswered questions.

The CTE, lines 1 – 12, effectively creates a temporary view that we can use throughout the rest of the query. You can also think of it in the same way that you’d think of a derived table (a join to a subquery).

CTEs make it possible to simplify code, express complex ideas more concisely, or just write code quickly without having to worry as much about structure. They’re a great feature of the SQL language that many people overlook.

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39 Comments. Leave new

  • If a complex sql script has a cte that it calls multiple times, do the queries inside the cte get rerun each time? or does SQL run the cte once and reuse those results each time the cte is called?

  • Love them, especially recursive CTE

  • Bill Fleming
    March 5, 2015 10:54 am

    Nice explanation! This is the first time I’ve heard it called a temporary view and that just made it so much more understandable to me. And as for it being evaluated every time….so is a view.

  • Bruce Blachford
    March 5, 2015 11:55 am

    From the example given of a CTE I do not see why I would use that instead of a select into a temp table; especially if it gets evaluated each time it is reference.

  • Adriana Escamilla
    March 5, 2015 2:13 pm

    I loved this article, I wonder if I can use this kind of tables replacing a common SQL selector with pagination, if that is possilble? My webapplication have very complex selects in some pages and those SQLs are killing the performance (sometimes…several times!!!), if yes please let me know it =D that would be awesome to apply!!!

  • I don’t think it’s a good strategy for this blog to repeat content that is documented 100 times on the web. This is not a value add.

  • Thanks for the article 🙂 I didn’t use CTE’s previously until another developer introduced me to them. I now use a combination of CTE’s and has tables, depending on what we are coding. If we need to re-use the query (usually in this case the result set will be quite large), it becomes a hash table, but if we are just doing a once off with a smaller set, then a CTE is defiantly easier to read.


  • Stephen Merkel
    March 5, 2015 3:32 pm

    I disagree that this type of explanation is common on the internet. When this feature was introduced, it seems like everyone was hot to demonstrate a recursive query. I’ve been a DBA for 10 years and never had the occassion to write a recursive query to show the hierarchy view of the EMP table. To me, the CTE is so much more valuable as an aid to clearly written SQL– (especially when compared to a derived table). The concept of defining that set of rows first, and then querying against that set, is so much more intuitive.

  • Great article!!!

    I like CTEs, and use it quite often too. I like how it allows to have multiple steps (temp views) in one query.

    for example:

    ;WITH first_script
    — script to get unanswered
    , second_script
    — script to get answered
    SELECT columns FROM
    first_script f
    second_script s ON f.column = s.column;

  • I often use CTEs when writing reports that contain a mix of aggregate and “detail” information. For example, a report that lists employees and the number of hours they have worked over a given time period. This seems cleaner to me than the alternatives: grouping by every column you need in your report (e.g. GROUP BY EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName … ) or using an aggregate function on every column that you’re not grouping by.

    Here’s a simplified example (dates are passed to the sp as parameters):

    ;WITH emphours AS (
    SUM(P.HoursWorked) AS TotalHours
    FROM PayrollHours AS P
    GROUP BY P.EmployeeID
    WHERE P.WorkDate BETWEEN @DateStart AND @DateEnd

    FROM Employee AS E
    INNER JOIN emphours AS H
    ON H.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID

    • Anna Novikova
      April 3, 2015 4:14 pm

      You can also use window functions for this purpose. E.g. your example:

      SUM(P.HoursWorked) OVER ( Partition by e.employeeID) as TotalHours
      FROM Employee AS E
      INNER JOIN PayrollHours AS P
      ON P.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID
      WHERE P.WorkDate BETWEEN @DateStart AND @DateEnd

  • Yes, I love using CTE queries to create multi-step processes. I also use them for MERGE statements between a staging table and primary table. They are very quick and easy to use while also allowing you to JOIN each view within a CTE onto each other. For example, do a WITH USERS where I select a set of users and then create another view within the same CTE query called SALES, which joins USERS to select another table and then create a third view for PRODUCTS. Once I have all 3 views, I can union them all together into a final query or create a fourth view and keep on going. 🙂

  • I work for an organisation that uses CTEs heavily in our reporting queries (simply because we always have done without issues), but now a lot of our customers are moving to SQL Server 2014 and 2016 are we seeing massive performance drops with using CTEs. We think the problem is twofold; 1) CTE’s are not indexable and 2) the query optimiser in later versions of SQL Server cannot count the number of rows in a CTE so we’re getting inefficient execution plans and reports that run very poorly.
    CTEs have been my bread and butter for years but for larger data-sets, we’re finding that temp tables and carefully applied indexes are helping us out a lot.
    Its interesting to see that you use CTEs in development with half an eye on re-writing if performance becomes an issue. Its like designing a house using Lego and then re-building it with proper bricks later, but we’ve just been living in Lego houses all this time!

    • Nick – errr, not exactly. There’s a lot of what you’re saying in there that isn’t really true, but it’s beyond what I can cover fast in a blog post comment.

      You might start by looking at the changes in the new 2014 Cardinality Estimator. Try setting your database compat levels back to 2012, and you’ll get different execution plans – those might be better suited to the kinds of queries you’re running. Then, you can up your game over time and gradually make those queries better for the new CE.

  • Thanks for your reply Brent.
    You said that a lot of what I say isn’t true – well I said that CTE’s can’t be indexed and I’m fairly confident that this is the case. I then said that “the query optimiser in later versions of SQL Server cannot count the number of rows in a CTE” so I’m guessing this is incorrect?
    I’m not a DBA but I have been tasked with solving this problem, and this is the conclusion I was leaning towards from studying query execution plans.
    Setting compatibility level down to 2008 or 2012 does work in terms of improving performance but customers quite reasonably don’t want to do this. They say “You told us to upgrade to the latest version, so we may as well not have bothered?” and we need to respect that and find another way. I did find this though:
    Sadly I’m remotely accessing these systems and can’t get connected today so I can’t try this out, but do you think it might help to stick one of these hints at the end of every CTE?

  • We just upgraded our database and SQL Server from 2014 to 2016. We )have a report that uses CTE (which I’m not that familiar with) but before we upgraded the report ran in under 1 minute. now it never ends. Is this because of the upgrade? is there anything I can do to fix it besides removing the CTE?


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