New Windows Clustering Course for SQL Server DBAs by Edwin Sarmiento

WSFC-SQL-LogoThe SQL Server community has been waiting a long time for an in-depth Windows clustering course on current versions of Windows.

See, AlwaysOn Availability Groups as well as good ol’ Failover Clustered Instances both rely on Windows clustering in order to manage uptime. If you’re going to do an AG or an FCI, you gotta know Windows.

Edwin Sarmiento, a well-respected cluster expert, has brought out an online course, and it’s big. I’m hearing great things about it from folks I know who have gone through it.

Go check out the launch specials he’s running. He’s been running deals that include his HA/DR deep dive course, Personal Lab course, and Azure HA/DR Hybrid Solutions course. If you’re doing clustering, you should go take a look.

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13 Comments. Leave new

  • Wow! Thank you very much for the privilege and opportunity to be featured in your blog. I owe you a lot for getting this out the door. That conversation we had at Bar Siena was the catalyst for this.

    Again, thank you very much.

  • Hi Edwin,

    Please correct me if I am wrong, this is an online video course? If yes, what if any questions/ doubts arise ?

  • Mark,

    I am more than happy to answer any question you may have regarding the course. Just head on over to the link that Brent provided and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.

  • Can SQL Server FCI and availability groups be implemented in same environment, how does that work? What are the pros\cons? I would like to setup a 4 node cluster\ag where 1 node is the primary, 1 node for DR in another data center that has a slower link, 1 node for reporting and the other node as the primary fail over node.

    • Kelly,

      SQL Server FCIs and Availability Groups can be implemented in the same Windows Server Failover Cluster. I’ve designed and deployed this type of architecture for my customers in the past. Feel free to reach out since this architecture is not straightforward and would require a whiteboard to fully explain.

  • Any new updates for Windows 2019 windows clustering and/or SQL 2019 AAG’s clustering?


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