[Video] Office Hours: Ask Me Anything About Microsoft Databases


Post your database questions at https://pollgab.com/room/brento and upvote the ones you’d like to see me discuss on the stream. If you’d like to be alerted when I live stream these, follow me on Twitch.

Here’s what we discussed today:

  • 00:00 Start
  • 00:38 Steve E: Hi Brent, Have you ever come across any environment using Application Roles? If so, what was the use case?
  • 02:05 Broken_hearts_are_for_assholes: You discourage the use of AUTO_SHRINK because of fragmentation. But then you say “Stop Worrying About SQL Server Fragmentation”, especially on SSD. So is that OK to use AUTO_SHRINK on Azure SQL Database that use SSD? I’ve been doing that for 6 months now and I see problems.
  • 02:49 Ol’ CornCob: I attempted to hit the StackOverflow database on smartpostgres. I couldn’t figure out what I was missing in my DBeaver connection settings, just got “SSL error: Connection reset”. I tried a few SSL settings but no dice. Is there a how-to-guide that could help out Ol’ CornCob?
  • 03:31 Eduardo: What are your pros / cons of running SSIS on your one and only single SQL server vs a dedicated server? As bad as SQL instance stacking?
  • 05:13 MyTeaGotCold: Where can I read up on the risks of having a database owned by someone who is going to leave my business? Google failed me and I what I could invent myself didn’t scare me. It’s not in your First Responder Kit URL either.
  • 05:53 Robinson511: When opening SSMS Activity Monitor state automatically changes to Paused. The small Icon on SQL Cylinder in Object Explorer shows a question mark. An outside monitoring tool also fails reporting The RPC Server is Unavailable.Unable to find solution that works. Would like help.
  • 08:48 Insecure DBA: New 3rd party app requires a cert for SSL connections to our SQL server. Will adding one require any additional work for all the other databases on the server?
  • 09:36 Romullo Araujo: Hi Brent, Is there any other way to dynamically save the stored Procedure results into a temp table without knowing the structure of the table and also not using OPENROWSET?
  • 10:07 Yusef: New Microsoft keyboards are adding a ChatGPT button. Good / bad idea? Will you be purchasing a Microsoft keyboard with this new button?
  • 11:28 Dimitra M: How do the DBA job opportunities differ for when a DBA specializes broadly but shallow vs narrowly but deep?
  • 13:08 Golshifteh F: SQL 2019… Updating fact table with linked server query takes over 20 hours. Does this prevent transaction log from clearing on both sides? Is NOLOCK helpful here?
  • 14:08 Soji: Is rows per page a good table metric? Is it actionable?
  • 14:27 Berglind I: What is your favorite app for generating synthetic data needed for query testing of large data in dev environment?
  • 15:10 DBA Emeritus: I’m having trouble with deadlocks in a proc that inserts records and then immediately updates the same records to calculate an expression based on identity values. I’ve tried every fix I could divine from your videos and sp_BlitzLock + RCSI. Any advice for this specific pattern?
  • 16:08 Eduardo: Do you ever forsee Azure SQL DB growth eclipsing boxed SQL Server?
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