New SQL ConstantCare® Feature: One Serious Query to Tune

SQL ConstantCare

Our monitoring tool, SQL ConstantCare®, is different.

Some monitoring tools send you a whole bunch of emails for every little thing that’s happening on every one of your server – and having you end up just creating an Outlook rule to dump them all into a folder that you never read. PAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY IS LOW! DISK QUEUE LENGTH IS HIGH! It all just turns into noise.

SQL ConstantCareSQL ConstantCare® is minimal: just one email per day. We tell you when there’s something seriously wrong that demands attention.

So in the interest of minimalism, we’ve got a new feature: One Serious Query to Tune. When >50% of your SQL Server’s workload is caused by just one query, we tell you about it. We know you’re too busy to tune every query or index that could help performance, but in cases like this, we call out that there’s a serious issue that will probably be worth your time to fix.

You might be thinking, “Brent, how often does that really happen?”

Well, last week alone, it happened for 328 of our users!

Sign up now and get a free 14-day trial. You can cancel anytime without charge before your trial ends. What will we discover together about your servers?