[Video] An Introduction to GitHub for DBAs

Development, Videos

Distributed source control is really intimidating: branches, pull requests, merges – will somebody just take my code, for crying out loud? Why does it have to be so complicated and involved?

I’m with you: I hated GitHub. For years, I struggled with it, but I’ve come to a gradual truce. I’m not a GitHub pro by any means, but in about an hour, I can explain the most important terms to you in a way that’ll make sense for non-developers. I’ll show you how to contribute to someone else’s open source project, and how to get started putting your own scripts under source control.

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10 Comments. Leave new

  • Such a nice presentation.
    Github or any distributed source control is a big next step in a DBA’s life.
    Also, you explain things in a really easy way for everybody to understand.
    Thank you very much for doing this.

  • This has some very handy commands to get you out of trouble (which you will!) when using git. https://ohshitgit.com/

  • Thanks so much Brent. I just started dabbling in GitHub as well, for my own set of SQL / Powershell scripts we use to manage our environment. This has already helped me get things set up.

  • Maral Guerra-torres
    February 14, 2019 1:16 pm

    Thanks for this! We’re getting ready to jump on the GitHub bus and feel much better about it after watching this video!

  • Great presentation. Loved the way you explained things. Thanks a lot.

  • Thank you so much for your presentation! I have some doubts about branches on database projects

    We’re planning to move from TFS to Git. Currently we use RedGate Source Control, with no branches, but we would like to use them and we are not sure about the correct way to do it.
    Imagine you have task1, create branch_task1, develop your task and leave it for other people testing. Then, you have task2, create brach_task2, develop the task and leave it for testing. I want both tasks to be available at the same time, but they’re not in the same branch, what should I do: push to develop branch? What if task1 is a long task that implies alter tables, multiple sps modifications, etc and I have to develop in the same database task2, which is a short task. If I change the branch to develop task2, I undo task1, maybe when I return to task1 there could be some kind of order issues executing my scripts, data loss… What is the best way to do it?

    I hope you can shed some light. Thanks in advance!

    • Hi! I wish I could do personalized Q&A on this kind of thing, but your best bet is to ask at a Q&A site or on a forum.

    • Hi Mary,
      One fact of life you must accept. When you adopt a source control systems you will change your current development practices. You won’t have any choice if you plan to profit from the SCS and still have some basic productivity.


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