This class is in early access mode, and will be released later in 2022.

Anybody can write a stored procedure with a little help from Google. This class is about how to write stored procedures that have a high likelihood of performing well and are easy to troubleshoot.

This all-demo class will NOT cover how to write a query, syntax, formatting, or performance tuning. This is about good best practices after you’ve written the first one – things like how to catch errors, how to pass in multiple values, how to debug without the debugger, and more.

I’ll walk you through all the building blocks I use, one at a time, and then we’ll assemble them together. You’ll see a well-written stored procedure, and you’ll understand why it looks the way it does. You’ll leave with the contents of that exact stored procedure so you can use it as a starting template in your own company.

This course is 90% demos: the only slides are the introductions at the start of the day, illustrations to support a few topics, and the recap at the end of the day. The rest of the time, we’ll be working in SQL Server Management Studio. Roll up your sleeves and join me!

Your Progress So Far in This Class

This is driven by the mark-as-complete buttons in each module of the class. (Let’s be honest: you’re probably just going to mark them as complete because you’re that kind of student. I feel you.)