Steph’s Data Science Fundamentals with R

“Who buys training from Brent? A guided data science project.” Work with real data to find out who buys training in this data project. Learn the data science principles and the R code you need as you work this project answering the question of “Who buys training from Brent?”

Meta, eh?

In this thoroughly hands-on training course we’ll go from data in various sources to a working model in two days.

Our workflow will look like:

  • Consolidating multiple data sources into single dataset ideal for trying to predict who will buy training.
  • Deciding the right sampling strategies, so we can build predictions and test them.
  • Building different types of models to see which things influence whether someone will buy training.
  • With multiple models on our hands, which one is the best fit with reality? We’ll use evaluation techniques to identify the model that best identifies Brent’s future customers.
  • Once we have this info we’ll look at how we can use the model to make some predictions so that Brent can think about his marketing strategies.

This just-in-time learning approach will equip you to handle similar projects and you’ll know the workflow for any other data science project. As well as the guided project materials, you’ll also get a whole heap of extra resources on coding R and doing data science to help you extend your coding and data science skills so that you can go on to do even more projects in future.


  • We will use a prepared environment available via browser to save infrastructure issues but if you want to to do everything on your machine, then you will need to install R, RStudio, and the SQL Server ODBC 13 driver.
  • It will also be helpful if you have SQL Server Management Studio or some other interface available that will make it easier to browse a database.

About the instructor: Steph Locke is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP with a decade of business intelligence and data science experience. Having worked in a variety of industries (including finance, utilities, insurance, and cyber-security,) Steph has tackled a wide range of business challenges with data. She has a broad background in the Microsoft Data Platform and Azure. She’s equally conversant with open source tools; from databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, to analytical languages like R and Python.