[Video] Office Hours: The Long One


You posted a lot of great questions at https://pollgab.com/room/brento and I spent almost an hour covering these:

Here’s what we covered:

  • 00:00 Start
  • 02:05 Kulstad: I’m using Ola Hallengren’s maintenance scripts for my db maintenance on Saturday evenings, and I’ve noticed my memory consumption go from approx 35% usage during the business week to 85% on Monday morning. How can I troubleshoot the scripts that are causing this increase?
  • 03:28 mailbox: Hey Brent, What is the difference between vertically partitioning a table into 2 tables, and creating a non-clustered index on a subset of the columns that would have partitioned on?
  • 04:46 Hankthedba: Hi Brent, I manage about 90+ SQL Servers and struggle to keep up with Patching. What is the best method to ensure that each env are keep up to date. I have various version and edition and trying to create some kind of PowerShell script that can assist. What are your thoughts?
  • 07:27 Jorriss: Are there any other tools to unit test SQL other than tSQLt? Asking for a friend.
  • 08:29 Nazan: Is there a good way to send out notifications any time someone creates a new DB in boxed SQL Server?
  • 10:51 Raffi Musiker: Will there soon be a day when AI can rewrite all code / sp’s for a one DB vendor to another DB vendor? How might this affect the DB landscape?
  • 11:50 Elnor: What is your opinion of the OPTION (FAST N) query hint? Has it ever got you across the finish line?
  • 14:25 Ozan: Hi Brent, on a VMware infrastructure, would you recommend a vSAN storage config and then two different vSAN’s for data and log files? Would you enable HA for the ESXi host or is AlwaysOn HA on the SQL Server VM enough? Thanks!
  • 20:18 Agnes Jurati: How would you implement query charge back by connecting application? Which flavor of SQL is best suited for this?
  • 22:21 Rom: Do you think we will ever see support for cross DB queries / SQL CLR in Azure SQL DB or is it better off without these features?
  • 24:03 MyTeaGotCold: If index maintenance is now an outdated idea, why are Ola’s scripts still commonly recommended?
  • 24:46 Thanos Tokakis: What are your pros/cons of putting relational data into a non-relational DB (i.e. Cosmos) and non relational data into relational DB (SQL Server)?
  • 26:35 sandimschuh: Temp table (~100 rows) inner join big table (~ 40GB and 800M rows). Each row from
  • #t matches 5-25 rows in BT. BT is clust. on join key. Had efficient NL until recently when deleted some 100k rows from BT I get clust. index scan and a Column with no stats warning on
  • #t. Any Idea?
  • 27:32 Stone Breaker: Does PostgreSQL full text search compare favorably with SQL Server full text search?
  • 28:24 Drinking Violet: Should Microsoft use AI support to convince peeps to migrate from SSMS to Azure Data Studio?
  • 29:31 Youlika S: Do you have a recommended way to parameterize the order by column when using dynamic sql that is performant, safe, and doesn’t trash the plan cache?
  • 30:18 db_ape: I am trying to automate weekly database restores on test environment. Using sp_databaserestore, how can I close existing connections on existing test database ?
  • 35:37 iliyan Rashev: Hey Brent, my question is how total_worker_time is correlated with CPU utilization? I thought that higher total_worker_time means more CPU utilization, but it is not the case obviously for me. I have master and tempdb as highest consumers on AwalysON Secondary replica
  • 36:32 Geordi: How is Azure SQL DB plan cache better/worse than SQL VM plan cache?
  • 37:27 Lwaxana: Does Microsoft notice / care that Office Hours reduces the need for Microsoft SQL Server support tickets?
  • 39:50 DBA in VA: Hi Brent – looking at index usage stats, what’s the difference between a singleton lookup and a read? I know that a singleton lookup is a traversal through the b-tree to return a single record — but then what is a read and why are those numbers so different in my usage stats?!
  • 40:17 Dimez: We have queries that regress in performance due to a changes in execution plan (query store). This sometimes happens after a statistics update or when the customer comes in Monday morning after the weekend. How can we consistently keep good known plans on Standard Edition of SQL?
  • 41:23 Kore Soong: What is your favorite tool for looking at session waits for a given query?
  • 41:58 Go sports!: Does Vegas living change much when the super bowl is in town?
  • 45:09 RoJo: You mention using realworld data to Load test the database – especially for scale. Is there a mechanism to replay data into the DB and to throttle it up for Load testing ?
  • 45:35 Smaragda K: What’s your opinion of DB sharding for relational DBs? Which product does it best?
  • 48:04 Venkat: What was your old saying about DB performance? You can have 2 out of 3 of A, B, C but not all.
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[Video] Office Hours: 25 Answers in 10 Minutes

2 Comments. Leave new

  • working to make ADF suck less indeed.

    I have switched to using it for adhoc query writing due to some features that make some things easier, when it isn’t a big enough project to warrant the time to use visual studio, but it has so many problems sometimes it still wastes a bunch of my time. I am glad report writers aren’t working in SSMS that much anymore with source control being a random text file in a file share no one else knows about.

  • The first question (by Kulstad) having to do with Index Maintenance is all caused by the Index Maintenance. If you have index that fragment and you’re using the standard 5/30 thresholds, then most of your indexes are going to be REORGANZED. Reorg removes as much freespace in the index below the Fill Factor as possible and does NOTHING to clear the space above the Fill Factor. This sets up you indexes to fragment the worst they possibly can and all that extra memory usage you’re seeing is because of MASSIVE page splits. Please see the following tube and, please, ignore the name of the presentation… it’s NOT just applicable to Random GUIDs. Also, if you’re listening with a headset, be aware that they added 3 advertisements at the 15:00, 30:15, and 45:25. The advertisements are important to help support this event but I wanted to let you know that they’re sudden and they’re loud! They WILL lift your headset! Here’s the link…


    And, yeah… I had that same thing happen to me as it did to Kulstad except it got a lot worse. That’s why I went nearly 4 years after that without doing ANY index maintenance other that rebuilding stats. I’m living proof that doing index maintenance wrong (and the 5/30 method is totally wrong) is worse that doing no index maintenance at all.


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