sp_BlitzFirst® Result:
Query Rolling Back

According to sp_BlitzFirst®‘s diagnostics, someone started a query, and it either ran into a heck of an error, or someone decided to do a ROLLBACK instead of a COMMIT. SQL Server is now cleaning up the aftermath, and everyone else’s queries are likely to suffer as a result.

To improve performance, ask these questions:

Which query is rolling back? Where did it come from? Who made the rollback decision – the SQL Server engine, the application’s logic, or an end user?

How do we make sure this incident doesn’t happen again? Make sure to keep those transactions as small as possible in scope to reduce big rollback hassles. (At the same time, we’re not saying to do a million tiny transactions instead of one large one.)

For personalized help with getting the right answers for your server, we’ve got SQL Critical Care®.