sp_BlitzFirst® Result:
DBCC Running

According to sp_BlitzFirst®‘s diagnostics, your server is running a DBCC (corruption check) right now.

If your storage subsystem is fast enough, you can run DBCCs during regular production hours without causing a problem. The DBCC alone doesn’t do anything that breaks SQL Server performance. However, reading the contents of your database’s data files can put additional stress on your storage subsystem. If your system is already under memory pressure and having to rely on the drives to deliver data fast enough for regular user queries, then a DBCC can push it over the edge.

To improve performance, ask these questions:

Can we reschedule the DBCC to happen outside of business hours?

Can we make the DBCC run faster? You’ll need to know the DBCC’s bottleneck, either CPU or reading data from storage.

Can we DBCC smaller parts of the database, like at the table level, rather than running DBCC on the entire database?

For personalized help with getting the right answers for your server, we’ve got SQL Critical Care®.