Search Results for “first responder kit”

Azure SQL DB Managed Instances: We’re All GUIDs

Six is having problems adjusting to his clone status Some funny things happen when you create databases up in a Managed Instance. For Instance (HEH!), you may expect this to yield some fruitful results, but it Manages (HAH!) to defy logic. Transact-SQL CREATE DATABASE YourMom; SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE name = 'YourMom'; 12345 CREATE DATABASE YourMom; SELECT…
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Two Code Patterns That Don’t Virtualize Well

Virtualization used to be a really Big Deal™ for database admins: we had to do a lot of careful planning to get a virtualization project done right. These days, virtualization is more and more of a no-brainer: most apps make the transition just fine. Every now and then, though, an exception pops up – usually…
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SQL Server 2017 CU3 adds tempdb spill diagnostics in DMVs and Extended Events

Where have you been all my life? Whenever I’m teaching people about query tuning, two things come up almost without fail: parameter sniffing and tempdb spills. They’re not mutually exclusive — some queries will seemingly always spill to tempdb, whether parameter sniffing is present of not, and some queries experiencing issues with parameter sniffing will never spill…
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Pocket Square

sp_BlitzQueryStore: A Gentle Introduction

Odds and ends During the precon, we asked how many people were on 2016, how many people were aware of query store, how many people were using it, and how many people were using sp_BlitzQueryStore. About 1/3 of the hands went up at first, then for each successive question, fewer and fewer hands stayed up.…
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Why Columnstore Indexes May Still Do Key Lookups

I was a bit surprised that key lookups were a possibility with ColumnStore indexes, since “keys” aren’t really their strong point, but since we’re now able to have both clustered ColumnStore indexes alongside row store nonclustered indexes AND nonclustered ColumnStore indexes on tables with row store clustered indexes, this kind of stuff should get a…
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The Ghosts of Temp Tables Past

Humor, SQL Server
True story You may find it hard to believe, but I recently had to fix a small bug in sp_BlitzCache and sp_BlitzQueryStore. Since both stored procedures have similar functions, they also share some temp table names (mainly the ones for parsing down XML nodes to more manageable chunks). In the window where I was making…
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sp_AllNightLog: Creating Jobs Like I’m The President

Look, we need these things The setup for sp_AllNightLog creates jobs for four separate activities 1 job to poll for new databases to back up (primary) 1 job to poll for new databases to restore (secondary) 10 jobs to poll for backups to take (primary) 10 jobs to poll for restores to… whatever (secondary) And,…
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