
New SQL Server 2008 Compliance Guide


A while back, Bryan Oliver, David Gugick and I went to Redmond to take part in a SQL Server 2008 auditing and compliance lab.  JC Cannon and other Microsoft SQL Server 2008 pros talked about the new 2008 features that help DBAs with their SOX/HIPAA/PCI/etc compliance needs.

I’ve dealt with some of these regulations in a limited way before, but I learned a lot out of the lab.  JC and crew taught us a lot about risk management, government and compliance, and we had a set of lab exercises where we stepped through implementations to put what we’d learned into practice.  We were essentially guinea pigs for this whitepaper:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Compliance Guide Whitepaper

As somebody who’s gone through the whitepaper start to finish (with a lot of guidance from JC’s team) I can tell you that this is really good stuff.  If you work for a public company subject to regulations, if you work with sensitive financial data, or if you work with health care data, you need to read this doc.

If you WANT to go to work in any of those areas, you need to read this doc, because it’s the cheapest way to get compliance training.  Read pages 7 through 12, and you’ll be well on your way to understanding the complexity and difficulty involved with supporting SQL Servers subject to regulation.  If you keep reading, you’ll be pleasantly surprised – this is a good whitepaper in terms of a balance between technical content, business content, diagrams, and sample code.

If you’ve got feedback about the report or if there’s things you’d like to see added, let me know and I can pass your feedback on to JC Cannon.  I promise not to take credit for your good ideas, hee hee ho ho.

Update 1/2009 – they’ve also launched a SQL Server Compliance Portal with even more SQL Server training information!

What would you ask Microsoft and PASS?


What if you could sit down with these guys and ask ’em any questions you wanted:

  • Tom Casey, Microsoft SQL Server BI General Manager. Tom’s giving the Thursday keynote about SQL Server’s business intelligence strategy beyond SQL Server 2008.  My guess (and this is only a guess, not based on any behind-the-scenes info) is that he’ll be talking about Kilimanjaro, the next feature pack for SQL Server, that starts to really empower BI users in Excel.
  • Wayne Snider, PASS Board President. He’s written books, he’s an MVP, and he’s the head honcho for the Professional Association for SQL Server community.
  • Bill Graziano, PASS Board Vice President of Marketing. I haven’t met Bill yet, but even if he was a hobo on the street, I’d have a special home in my heart for him because of the way PASS is giving so much access to bloggers at this year’s summit.

Well, speaking of that blogger access, it happens that I’ll have a chance to sit down with these guys and talk shop during the PASS Summit in Seattle next week. Normally, my hard-hitting interview style consists of questions like “What are you drinkin’?” and “Are you ready for another one?”  For these interviews, though, I’m pulling out all the stops, so I’m asking you, dear reader, what you would like to ask them?

Not to tip my hand too much, but here’s some of the things that have popped into my head so far:

  • To Tom: “Power users love Excel spreadsheets because they have absolute control over the data.  DBAs hate Excel spreadsheets because they have zero control over the data.  Is there a roadmap to make Excel sprawl management easier?”
  • To Wayne: “If you could wave a magic wand and change something about the SQL Server community, what would it be?  What problems do you really struggle with at PASS?”
  • To Bill: “What are you drinkin’, and are you ready for another one?”  No, just kidding.  I can’t give him a free pass even if he gave me one, so I’d probably ask, “PASS’s embrace of bloggers was fantastic this year.  How else is PASS changing to embrace social media?”

Help me out – what would you ask?

Steve Jones on Twitter, private Twitter and Yammer


In the latest Voice of the DBA podcast (love the outtakes at the end, totally awesome), Steve Jones of SQLServerCentral talks about his use of Twitter.  Like a lot of folks I know, he’s struggled to find the real-world benefit of it, and I really applaud his honesty.  Twitter’s one of those things like MySpace – either you get it or you don’t.  (Just for the record, I don’t get MySpace.  I’m sure that statement will come back to haunt me later in life.)

He mentions a possible use case: private Twitter shared between employees of a company.  Good news – it’s out, and it’s called  It’s exactly like Twitter (even the same APIs, if I remember right – I update it through but it’s based off your email address, and your updates only go out to people at the same domain.  Anyone can join with their company email address, which gets verified, and then you have a private in-company messaging stream.  Basic accounts are free, and they have premium accounts with extra features.

Tony Davis disses


How many of you work only with Microsoft SQL Server?  No other technologies – not Windows, not IIS, not Visual Studio, not Java, not JQuery, just purely SQL Server and absolutely nothing else?

Show of hands?

Not too many, I bet.  Heck, my job title is SQL Server Expert, but on any given day, I’m all over the place – working with everything from SAP to Visual Studio Data Dude to Microsoft DPM to Quest tools like Toad and LiteSpeed.  These days, database guys have to wear a lot of hats.

Next question: when you have a technical problem, how many times can you say, “I know for sure that this is due to SQL Server, and nothing else – not SAP, not BusinessObjects, not Crystal Reports, not any of my third-party tools, just flat out SQL Server?”

Well, if you ask a developer, sure, it’s always a database problem, but in reality there’s a lot of places we have to look before we can point the blame at SQL Server.  So when you have a technical question that you need to post, where do you want to post it?

  1. A pure Microsoft SQL Server forum
  2. The application vendor’s forum (SAP, BusinessObjects, etc)
  3. A forum that handles all technical questions for all software

I used to believe that pure Microsoft SQL Server forums like SQLServerCentral were the best way to go, because that’s where the best SQL Server experts hung out. Over time, though, I’ve realized that my problems have lots of causes, and they’re not always SQL Server.  Often I need help from experts in other fields, and I want to use the same forum instead of having to research the right forum every time.  Quick, what’s the right forum to post a BusinessObjects question?  Do you have an account there?  How long would it take you to set one up?  What if you post to the wrong forum that nobody ever visits?

Enter StackOverflow – Tagging, Not Groups

That’s where StackOverflow comes in.  You can post a question with a lot of components – say, a Crystal Report running in IIS called by Visual Studio querying a SQL Server database – and tag your question with several keywords like CrystalReports, IIS, VisualStudio, etc.  Experts in each field will see your question, contribute responses and help you get to the right answer no matter where the underlying problem lies.

Want to see it in action? Check out this StackOverflow question about LINQ to SQL, which ended up getting answered by Jeremiah Peschka.  If this question had been posted in a purely SQL Server forum, the answer might not have been as good, because not so many DBAs have LINQ experience.

Not everybody sees the universal-forum approach as a good thing.  Yesterday, Tony Davis wrote a blog post called Building Technical Communities where he argues:

“Whereas one can argue that everyone’s opinion is of equal value, it is more difficult to believe that expertise is so widely distributed.”

I disagree – in fact, I find experts everywhere.  And even worse, I find people who proclaim to be experts when they don’t know their rear from their elbow, but they just happen to have a high number of posts on a given site, so they get a lot of credibility.  If I ask a question in a purely SQL Server forum, I might get somebody who professes to know a lot about Crystal Reports, and says it’s a Crystal Reports problem – but he might not have an idea.  Sure, he’s got a lot of posts, but what does that actually mean?

Web 2.0 != Bad Advice

Tony goes on to suggest SQLServerCentral’s forums are a better place to get your answers because:

“Recently, I’ve read about several cases of people getting misleading advice from one of the numerous user-powered medical websites that have sprung up. I’m certain that the same thing happens in technical communities, and also that the “web2.0″ style ones are far more prone to it than traditional forums.”

We definitely agree that bad advice happens in technical communities, but I’m not sure where he’s believing that “web2.0 style ones” are more subject to it.  I’ve found quite the opposite – people with high reputation rankings on StackOverflow didn’t just get there by posting a lot, but rather by providing answers that the community valued and uprated as legit.

But speaking of ratings, Tony even goes so far as to slam StackOverflow’s post rating system:

“In a forum, approval or disapproval takes the form of a discussion (a thread) where you’re required to state your case clearly, and with proof, and so is subject to true peer review. You cannot correct someone else’s advice anonymously. Hitting a “tick” or “thumbs down” button requires no such effort and plays to the “herd instinct”: applaud the “leader” when others do so, and “go in for the kill” when you spot a straggler.”

I’m confused.  If I read Tony’s criticism correctly, he’s saying that just marking a post’s rating without fully justifying your case is wrong – but look here:

That would be the pot calling the kettle black….

Side note – yes, I’ve been pimping StackOverflow a lot lately, and yes, I even have an entry on their “about” page now, but no, I’m not getting paid.  As the Editor-in-Chief of, I have every reason to keep my mouth shut and not tell you about, because I should want you to only come to my own site in order to get your answers.

I pimp because if I was a DBA wearing a lot of hats, I’d want to know about it.

StackOverflow’s SQL 2008 FTS issue solved

Stack Overflow

Whew – the Microsoft folks really came through on this one and tracked down the problem pretty quickly.  I want to personally thank Denis Churin, Nikita Shamgunov and Sundaram Narayanan for their detailed investigation into the issue and helping us get it fixed. I’m going to explain the issue to help anybody else get through it in case they run into similar problems.

How SQL 2008’s Full Text Search is Different than 2005

Let’s start with the basics: in SQL Server 2005, the full text data lived outside of SQL Server and wasn’t subject to transactional locking.  If you inserted a gazillion records into a table that had a full text index on it, the indexes were rebuilt without worrying about simultaneous inserts and locking.  It wasn’t like a traditional SQL Server table.

In SQL Server 2008, the full text indexes were moved inside the database server and became subject to transactional locking.  By default, the indexes are updated automatically whenever SQL Server determines they need to be updated.  When that merge process happens, SQL Server needs to obtain some locks on the indexed table.  Ideally, it grabs the locks when there’s a brief period of no load, does its merge work, and lets go of the locks.  The merge process can be quite brief (well under a second) as long as the amount of data hasn’t changed dramatically.

In a heavily transactional environment when there’s a whole lot of inserts/updates/deletes on the indexed table, the DBA may need to restrict those merge activities to only a certain time window of the day.  SQL Server 2008 gives you that ability to do merges manually, but I wanted to avoid that on  Every time I put in a manual job into a solution, it requires manual maintenance, alerting and corrective actions, and I don’t take that lightly.

Where The Problem Comes In: Convoys of Queries

Imagine this scenario:

  1. A full-text select query is issued that looks like it’ll finish extremely quickly
  2. The SQL Server doesn’t see much activity in the full text table (only selects, not inserts/updates/deletes) so it kicks off a merge
  3. The select query doesn’t finish as quickly as the engine expected, and the merge can’t start until it obtains the locks it needs
  4. More full-text queries come in (could be selects, inserts, updates, deletes) that need to obtain locks

Those newly issued queries in step 4 are suddenly delayed while waiting for query #1 to finish.  The impact on full text performance varies depending on how long it takes query #1 to finish – might be milliseconds, might be seconds.

Denis Churin, Nikita Shamgunov and Sundaram Narayanan (the Microsoft heroes) suspected this might be our performance problem at StackOverflow, so they had us grab a memory dump and a database backup at the exact moment we were having performance problems.  They looked at the memory dump and isolated a single particular full-text query that was confusing the engine.  The engine was building an execution plan for it that didn’t work well, and instead of taking milliseconds, it took seconds (as many as 50 seconds).  During that time, performance went into the toilet.

They rewrote the query in a different way the engine would analyze better, and when that query was changed, presto, the performance problems disappeared.

There’s a QFE coming in a few weeks that will let the merge thread run without blocking other queries, but for now, we’re in good shape.

Diagnosing The Problem in Your Environment

Sundaram gave us this query to help troubleshoot when a long-running query is blocking other queries.  This helps identify the issue when a full-text select query suddenly blocks the SQL Server 2008 full text merge thread, and you can look at that query to make it run faster.  I haven’t tested this in depth, but these guys have proven to be much more qualified than me, so I have a hunch it’ll work, heh:

declare @temp int
declare @parent int
declare @final int
set @parent = 0
while (@parent = 0)
select @parent=blocked from sys.sysprocesses where lastwaittype=’LCK_M_SCH_M’ and waittime > 30000
WAITFOR DELAY ’00:00:01′;

WHILE (@parent <> 0)
set @final = @parent
select @temp=blocked from sys.sysprocesses where spid = @parent
set @parent = @temp
select * from sys.sysprocesses where spid = @final
select * from sys.dm_exec_requests ER
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ER.plan_handle) ST
where ER.session_id = @final
select * from sys.dm_exec_requests ER
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(ER.plan_handle) ST
where ER.session_id = @final

And now, finally, I can start performance tuning that server!

Moved to Michigan and got older

Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home

Erika and I drove up to Michigan this weekend and started moving into our family’s house on White Lake near where I grew up.  I went to high school near here, and I’m pretty familiar with the rough winters.  On our drive up, we drove through freezing rain and snow – Erika’s first time behind the wheel in inclement weather, since we took both cars up.  I’d wanted to give her an ice-driving training session in a parking lot somewhere, but no time for that!

It’s birthday central around here:

  • November 9 – Joe Sullivan (the guy who taught me how to program)
  • November 10 – me, Don Duncan (my manager at Southern, another former Michigander)
  • November 11 – my much better half Erika, my sister Emily

These people all rock.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go catch up on the hundreds of emails I missed since I took off on Thursday for the moving voyage.  Inbox Zero is going to be especially tough today!

Whoops! The SQL DBA Quiz


Chris Shaw started a new blog quiz for SQL Server DBAs: name two mistakes you’ve made in your career.  I’m glad he restricted it to two entries, or else I’d have had to start a whole separate blog category just for this.

Mistake #1: deleting without a where clause. You’ve heard that horror story before, but here’s what makes it different: I was a teenager working as a SCO Unix sysadmin for a photographer with a small chain of photo studio.

What’s that, you ask?  How does a teenager get a job as a SCO Unix sysadmin?  Two reasons: first, I was cheap, and second, I was slightly more qualified than the last sysadmin, a high school cheerleader who was hired solely for her looks. (I know this because they both told me separately.)

Thankfully, I had a tape backup running every night, and the delete was literally the first thing I did in the morning when I got in.  The moment I realized what I’d done, I put the tape back in, started the restore, and began hoping that my early-bird boss decided to drive through a nail-laden construction site on his way into work.  No such luck, of course.

When he showed up (before the restore finished, of course), I promptly explained what I did and how I was recovering.  He was pissed, but I think he’d forgotten it by the next day.  That taught me an important lesson as a DBA: get coffee before you start work.  I’ve been addicted to espresso ever since.

Mistake #2: lifting servers to the top of the rack by myself. It was a dark and stormy Saturday night a couple of short years ago, and there I was, alone in the datacenter.  I was fairly new in the company, and I wanted to make a great impression on the other admins.  I’d carefully arranged an outage window during my on-call weekend to defrag some space in our racks so that I could cram more gear in.  I was almost done manhandling a bunch of heavy servers around, and my last opponent was an old server built long before the days of tool-free rails.  In order to get the server in, you had to hold it in midair, balance it so the rails lined up, and fasten it with six of the tiniest screws you’ve ever seen in your life.  Wristwatches are built with larger screws than this server.

By that time of the night, what little strength I had was already drained, and my awareness level wasn’t that high either.  With the server balanced precariously on my shoulder, aimed at the very top slot in the rack, I started putting in the microscopic screws with one free hand when disaster struck.

The server fell from 6′ up in the air down to the floor, diagonally onto a front corner so the whole server’s weight smashed down on one tiny little area.  It missed my foot by an inch, tops, and put a big hole in the datacenter’s recessed floor tiles.  Metal tiles, mind you.

I looked up to thank God that I still had my foot attached and I saw him looking back down on me – in the form of a surveillance camera.

When my heart stopped racing a few minutes later, I swapped out the broken datacenter tile, mounted the server in a lower slot and booted it up.  Worked the first time, although the faceplate was trashed and the server wouldn’t slide all the way into the rack because of the damage.  I locked everything up and headed out of there, glancing at the security cameras every minute or so.

The facilities manager was a good old boy who’d been with the company for decades and knew where all the bodies were buried, so to speak.  First thing on Monday morning when he came in, I took him into the datacenter, showed him the damaged floor tile and told him the story.  He gave me a stern warning about the relative worth of my job and my health, and asked how I would have handled a 911 call from the datacenter about blood all over the floor from a smashed foot.  He grinned when he said it, though, and he took the floor tile and never mentioned it again.  For all I knew, he was holding the floor tile as ransom, and that was fine with me.

That taught me a bunch of lessons: never rack an old server by yourself, bring a cell phone into the datacenter when you’re working alone, and know the guys who bury the bodies (and floor tiles).

Who I’m tagging: Chris already tagged Jason Massie of, and I’ll tag Jeremiah Peschka of, David Stein of (especially because his Vegas mistake story was so hilarious) and the masked man behind

Bad storage performance on Amazon EC2 Windows servers

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This week I presented at the SSWUG Virtual Conference on how to benchmark your storage performance with Microsoft’s SQLIO utility.  Last week I talked about running SQL Server in the cloud on Amazon EC2.  Take those two things together, and we’ve got storage benchmarking on Amazon EC2 servers:

  • Maximum write speed: 68 MBs/sec
  • Maximum read speed: 8 MBs/sec

I find this too horrifying to comprehend.  I can’t imagine running a database server using a first-generation USB thumb drive for storage, but that’s essentially what this is.

If anybody out there is using Windows on Amazon EC2, I’d be really curious to hear what your SQL Server performance is like relative to your physical in-house servers.  If you’ve got the time, running SQLIO on your EC2 instances would be even better, but it takes several hours to run through my full battery of SQLIO tests.  Running any storage testing utility against an EC2 hard drive would be interesting.

This was not a one-time result – this was a continuous overnight test against an m1.large instance with nothing installed on it.  Every single read test maxed out at around 8 MBs/sec.  Unbelievable.

I’d love to spend more time digging into this, but I’m signing off the computer tonight to start our move up to Michigan.  (I have a linkpost scheduled for Friday already.)  When I get to Michigan, I’ll try a couple of other storage performance test utilities against EC2 instances to see if I’m missing something obvious, and I certainly hope I am.  I’ve never seen performance this bad on a desktop, let alone a server.

Update from Amazon EC2 Support

There’s a thread about slow Amazon EC2 performance for storage on the Amazon forums.  The official answer from Amazon is yes, it’s that slow but they believe it’s normal for SAN storage.  They’re way off base there – I routinely get faster performance out of my home lab gear – but at least they’re watching the forums.

Barack Obama’s campaign let Twitter down


So it’s the day after a really historic election: the first guy with a Twitter account to be elected as president!

What an awesome chance to send 140 characters of hope, change, dreams, opportunity, you name it. It’s so exciting!  Me personally, I’d have picked “Yes We Did!”  That would have been so cool, and people would have been retweeting it like crazy.

So what’d the campaign post when he won?


Here’s his Twitter stream as it still looks the morning after the election:

Barack Obama on Twitter
Barack Obama on Twitter

As a fellow Twitter user, regardless of my political alignments, I feel kinda bummed out about the campaign letting the ball drop like this.  They’d been really bangin’ out the tweets up til the election.  Why stop now?  I hope this isn’t one of those “changes we can believe in.”

Live-blogging the Seattle PASS Summit Keynotes

#SQLPass, Blogging

Whoa – I’ve hit the big time!  I got an email inviting me to be one of a handful of SQL Server industry bloggers who’ll get reserved seating with power and internet access during the PASS Summit keynotes.  Awesome!  That means I’ll be able to post live updates via my Twitter feed and here on the blog.  (Maybe Ustream too, but no promises.)

Last year was my first PASS summit and I did my best to convey as much information here in my blog recaps as I could for people who couldn’t attend.  I knew I was really lucky to get the expenses approved and get the week off to go to Denver, and I was in the minority.  This year, things aren’t any better for a lot of us: travel budgets have gotten slashed, and it’s even harder to get travel approved.  This year, thanks to the PASS staff, it sounds like I’ll be able to post my updates even faster live from the keynote.

I love it.  When I find out who thought of this, I’m gonna buy ’em a beer.

Houston Tweet-Up: The Morning After


Yesterday afternoon, the Houston tweeps converged on Coffee Groundz.  I had a great time and got to finally meet some of the folks I’ve Twittered with for months.

Photos from around the web:

And for your notes, the two beers of choice for the night were:

Somebody created a Halloween monster #SQLputdowns


I think Tim Ford aka SQLAgentMan was the first with this, but now it’s turned into a monster.  On Twitter, we’re trading SQL putdowns.  You can find ’em on by searching for #SQLputdowns.

Here were my personal favorites from the chatter:

All over the world, DBAs are chuckling to themselves….

Watch a free 10-minute preview of SSWUG videos (update with discount)


You’ve heard me talk about my SSWUG video conference sessions, but you’re not sure whether it’ll work, or whether it’s worth the money?  Well, Chris Shaw and the good folks at SSWUG are giving away free previews to show you how good it looks.  You can watch the first ten minute of my SQLIO session for frrrrrrrreeeeeee:

Yes, I really do talk with my hands, and yes, I use an Apple Macbook Pro.  The stickers are:

More stickers to come – I’m looking forward to getting some at PASS and plastering them all over the Mac.  Erika hates it when I do that because the Mac does indeed look better naked, but I don’t want you guys thinking I’m a graphic designer or something.

Update 10/29 – I just got word that if you use the VIP code “BOZAVIP” when signing up, you get $10 off your registration, bringing it down to $90.

There’s a drawback, though, and I’m going to tell you about it because I believe that honesty is the best policy.  If you use that signup code, I get $5.  If more than ten of you use the code, my cut goes up to $10 per person.  Here’s where the drawback comes in: Erika has already given me permission to spend my SSWUG money as “fun money” on my week-long Caribbean cruise in December.  I might come back with alcohol-induced amnesia or a bad tattoo.  So maybe it’s better for all of us if you don’t use that code.  I’m just putting it out there, your choice.

Before you upgrade to SQL Server 2008…


This month’s Redmond Mag glows about some new features in SQL 2008, and yes, it does have a lot of cool tricks up its sleeve.  But before you go upgrading your servers to get those new features, there’s one thing you need to know.

New versions of SQL Server are not always faster for every query.

This may come as a surprise to you, but every versions of SQL Server have areas where they require manual tweaking in order to be as fast as the last version.  I worked with Jeff Atwood and the guys at StackOverflow this past weekend to move them onto SQL Server 2008, and we had a nasty surprise.  Jeff summed up the issues with the SQL 2008 upgrade on his blog, but I’ll cover it here from a DBA perspective.

The app and SQL 2005 were on the same box (which tells you a lot about the performance of his code, because that site is doing pretty well) and they got a new box running SQL 2008.  We restored the databases over to the 2008 box for testing, ran queries, and compared performance.

Full text search results were slower, but we didn’t catch just how slow they were because we focused on the queries that were currently running slow on the 2005 box.  Some of the queries we didn’t test had been running great on 2005, but were dead slow on 2008.

Why slower? Different execution plans.

We did catch a second issue: on a particularly slow set of queries, SQL 2008 was building a different execution plan than 2005.  This execution plan worked – but not for the kind of load StackOverflow has.  I narrowed down the differences and I was able to overcome it with trace flag 2301, which lets SQL spend a little more time building a good execution plan. By spending more time compiling the plan initially, and saving that plan in cache, we got phenomenally better results.  Query times went from 190ms on SQL 2005 to 40ms on SQL 2008.  Hubba hubba.  All systems go.

Denny Cherry, a performance tuning guru with a long history at and Awareness Technologies, asked me why I didn’t manually set up query execution plans for them.  If it was my server and I was Jeff’s full-time employee, that’s exactly what I’d do.  Problem is, if you don’t have a full-time DBA to watch the server and identify what the right (and wrong) execution plans are, you introduce an element of mystery.  I can imagine what would happen three months down the road: performance would go to hell in a handbasket as schemas, queries and indexes changed over time.  Jeff wouldn’t know what things were the fault of the engine, versus what things were the fault of the DBA who’d changed these settings a while back.  So I had to pick a solution that wouldn’t require StackOverflow to incur a huge new payroll expense.

Went live with 2008, -T2301 killed us.

We went live with SQL 2008, rebuilt the indexes & stats, turned on the site (now hosting IIS on a separate box, mind you) and immediately the server slowed to a crawl.  I figured it’d take a few minutes to get a good set of execution plans built, but the server just wasn’t recovering.  Doing diagnostics on the server, I discovered that queries using sp_executesql were just knocking the server over.  Ahhh-ha!  Those were dynamic SQL strings, and those would probably get new execution plans built every time.  The trace flag -T2301 failed us there, so we had to rip it back out.

How much would you pay to avoid a scenario like this?  $19.95?  $29.95?  But wait, there’s more!

After ripping out the trace flag, the server stabilized around 20-30% CPU, but those numbers were too high for a weekend night.  When they came up to full load during the week, the server fell over, averaging 100% CPU for a few minutes at a time.  The problem query was doing a union between three full text searches, but before you scream bloody murder about a union, even running the three searches independently was taking 60-70% of the time they took when unioned together.  We were screwed.  The guys had to make a change to their application and cache data on the web server’s hard drive in order to sustain their normal load.

Ugh.  As a DBA, that’s a failure when the app guys tell me that.  This is an application that used to live fine on a single box, and now, even with SQL 2008 on its own hardware, the app guys have to work around a weakness in SQL 2008.  Ouch.  I take that pretty personally.

The lesson: capture a full trace before you upgrade SQL Server.

The lesson: before you upgrade, capture a full trace of your server’s load and replay it against the new version.  Analyze before and after duration times and CPU numbers for both versions, and identify the list of queries that run slower.  Examine how often they actually run in production, and think about how that’s going to affect your load.  This was my own failure – after working with the guys at StackOverflow and seeing how tight their queries were, it seemed like the slowest queries on SQL 2005 were still in pretty good shape.  Unfortunately, hidden below the surface in queries that were running in 50-75ms on SQL 2005, were some queries that ballooned to over 1 second on SQL 2008, and went much higher under load.

Furthermore, a simple trace replay still won’t give you the full picture because traces don’t throw the same amount of load at the replay server in the same time.  In a web server scenario, you may have a hundred queries come in simultaneously, and you want to see exactly how the new server will be affected by that – but replaying a trace with the Microsoft native tools won’t give you that answer.  For that, you need a benchmarking tool like Quest Benchmark Factory or HP Mercury LoadRunner, etc – something that can capture a load and then replay it with the same velocity and bandwidth.

Do I like SQL Server 2008?  Yeah.  But do I wish we could have avoided what happened this week with StackOverflow?  Hell yeah.

Office in the web + BI in Excel != SSAS DBA jobs


Add these two things together:

If that doesn’t scream hosted-BI, I don’t know what does.

This is more fuel for Jason Massie’s belief that cloud services will kill the DBA, and I gotta tell you, it’s starting to look more and more convincing.  If I was a DBA who made my living solely on SQL Server Analysis Services, I would start making a Plan B right now.  SSAS won’t go away for years – there will be plenty of corporations who won’t want to host their private decision-making data in Cloud v1 – but it isn’t a rosy picture.

Want to stop Windows from locking your screen?


I work for a company whose IT department has a group policy enforced so that our screens lock after 10 minutes of inactivity.  That’s great in theory, but I run my corporate workstation inside VMware, which means I’m back and forth between different windows all the time.  When I go away from my Windows VM for 10 minutes and come back, the screen is locked – pain in the rear.

Jason Hall of Quest pointed out the fix: a free screensaver prevention app called Caffeine.  On Windows 2000 and Windows XP, it does a left-shift-up event every minute, thereby defeating screen saver lockouts.  Add a shortcut to it in your Startup menu, and presto, never get locked out again.

Getting Started with Amazon EC2 SQL Server 2005

Sometimes you need an offsite database server in case something goes wrong, but you can’t afford a full-blown disaster recovery datacenter.  Or maybe you’ve got some ideas that you’d like to try out with a big SQL Server 2005 box, but you don’t have the hardware sitting around idle.  Or maybe you’d just like to learn SQL Server 2005 – sure, it’s not the latest and greatest, but it’s still the most popular version out in the wild.  Now you’ve got a way to accomplish this for around $1 per hour.

With Amazon EC2, DBAs can “rent” virtual servers running Windows 2003 and SQL Server 2005.  In this article, I’ll explain the five big steps required to turn on your own SQL Server in Amazon’s datacenters.

Step 1: Understand what “cheap” SQL Server hosting costs.

As of this writing (10/2008), here’s the smallest SQL Server you can get at Amazon EC2, what’s known as a “Standard Large” configuration:

  • 7.5 GB of memory
  • 4 EC2 compute units (2 virtual cores with
  • 850 GB of storage
  • 64-bit Windows 2003
  • SQL Server 2005 Standard
  • $1.10 per hour, or roughly $800 per month

Yes, that’s a lot of money, and no, that does not include your bandwidth.  You’ll also incur some additional fees for bandwidth – probably nowhere near $100/mo, but you can use the Amazon EC2 pricing calculator to estimate your numbers.

Let me put it this way: $9 for this much power for one day is a heck of a deal.  I can do a lot of learning and experimenting for my $9.  Even if I use it as a lab box one day per week, that’s still around $40/mo – not a bad deal, especially if I’m a junior DBA who wants a sandbox to break stuff.  At $800/mo, well, we’re in Jaguar XF territory.

Step 2: Get an Amazon EC2 hosting account.

Sign up for an account at  It’s free to enroll, but you have to link it to a method of payment like your credit card or checking account.  Your server usage will be deducted automatically from your account, so don’t blame me if you turn on a whole virtual datacenter and you can’t pay your rent.

After you’ve got the account set up, enable your account for EC2 (the virtual server hosting part) and S3 (where you can store your hard drives):

Step 3: Get the Elasticfox plugin for Firefox to manage your virtual EC2 SQL Servers.

Elasticfox is a browser-based way to manage your virtual army.  It’s free, it’s open source, and it’s the easiest way to get started with EC2.  There’s a guide on getting started with Elasticfox, but I’ll give you the highlight reel:

  • Download the Elasticfox plugin and install it
  • Launch Firefox and click Tools, Elasticfox.
  • Click the Credentials button and input your Amazon Web Services access key and secret key.  Click OK.
  • Create a key pair (to encrypt your Windows admin login) by clicking the KeyPairs tab and click the button to create a new keypair.  Type in anything for the key name, and save the certificate file.
  • Build a set of firewall rules by clicking the Security Groups tab.  In theory, you could skip this step and leave all your ports open, but come on.  Click the Create Security Group button and create a group named SQL Servers.
  • Click the Grant Permission button to set up a firewall rule.  For testing purposes, you can leave the CIDR (source) IPs at, which means the entire internet.  For production, you would want to restrict this access to your company’s subnet.  In the Protocol Details, set up each of these:
    • TCP/IP 3389 – remote desktop
    • TCP/IP 1433 – SQL connections (if you want to connect to your cloud-based server using SSMS on your desktop)

Step 4: Start up a virtual EC2 SQL server.

Go back to the AMIs and Instances tab and your Elasticfox screen will look something like the below screenshot (you can click on it to enlarge).  I’ve resized my columns to make it easier to see the instances I want:

Elasticfox AMI List
Elasticfox AMI List

In the screenshot, there’s an edit box at the right side where I typed in “sql” to help filter down the list of instances.  Amazon has a ton of servers available, and you have to pay close attention to get the right one.  Here’s a zoomed screenshot, and the highlighted one is the one I’ll be using:

Readthe filename carefully: the “Anon” means it’s not using the extra-charge Windows Authentication Services, and the “v1.01” is the latest version available as of this writing (10/2008).  Newer versions mean newer patches of Windows and SQL, so the newer the better.

Right-click on the instance you want and click Launch Instance.  The next screen is full of pitfalls.

The Instance Type must be m1.large or greater.  The default is probably going to be m1.small, but that won’t work.  If you try to launch a SQL Server with m1.small, you’ll get this error:

Amazon EC2 Launch Error
Amazon EC2 Launch Error

The error says:

“EC2 responded with an error for RunInstances
InvalidParameterValue: The requested instance type’s architecture (i386) does not match the architec…”

The virtual image for SQL Server is a 64-bit machine, and you have to launch it with an InstanceType of m1.large or larger.  This catches me all the dang time.

For the KeyPair dropdown, choose the certificate name you generated, and under Security Groups, move SQL Server over into the “Launch In” group.

Click Launch, and if all goes well, your instance will show up in the “Your Instances” list in the bottom of the screen.  It takes a minute for the server to boot, but the Elasticfox screen doesn’t update on its own – you have to push the Refresh button manually to see if the server’s available.

Step 5: Connect to your new virtual EC2 SQL Server.

When the server’s State shows “running”, right-click on it and click Get Administrator Password.  Elasticfox will ask for the key pair certificate file that we created earlier.  I’ve had problems with it not always recognizing the file, so just try again and it’ll probably work.  The administrator password will be saved to your clipboard.  Windows doesn’t always allow pasting into the password field, so you may need to bring up Notepad, paste the password in there, and then look at that Notepad screen while you’re logging in.

Click on the server and click the Connect button in Elasticfox.  Elasticfox starts the Remote Desktop client and directs it to the server’s public DNS name, which is going to be something completely forgettable.  Don’t worry – if you’re planning to use this server for disaster recovery, you can assign it a permanent IP address and a better DNS name, and there’s plenty of instructions for that in the Amazon documentation.

When you start SQL Server Management Studio, you’ll either have to put in (local) for the server name to connect to, or start the SQL Server Browser service.

Before you create databases, go into Windows Explorer and take a look at your hard drive configuration:

800 GB, here I come!
800 GB, here I come!

In this screenshot, I’ve got two local drives, D and E, each with 420 GB.  Cha-ching!

From here, the world is your oyster.  You could set up database mirroring, and use this as a disaster recovery server.  Be aware that SQL 2005’s database mirroring is not compressed, so your bandwidth charges may be higher.  Instead, I’d suggest doing log shipping.  The advantage to using log shipping is that you can compress it with Quest LiteSpeed, plus you don’t necessarily have to be running the SQL Server at all times.  You can copy the files to a cheap non-SQL box at Amazon, and only start up the SQL Server once per day (or per week!) to apply the log files.  (I see a blog post coming on that after PASS when things die down.)

Another great use: testing software.  The whole reason I wrote this article today was that I had to test a new beta of Quest Change Director, and I needed a quick new environment to test it in.

I’ve got an upcoming project where I’m working with a European client on a SharePoint whitepaper, and both of us work for secure public companies with paranoid IT departments.  Neither company wants to give VPN access to the others’ staff, so instead we can just build our lab in Amazon EC2 from scratch and both access it from anywhere on the planet.  Everybody wins.

Just don’t forget to shut the server down when you’re done with it, or else you’ll keep paying by the hour!

Update 10/30Stephen Moore asked about SQL Express, and yes, they do have AMIs prebuilt with SQL Express and they start as low as $.125 per hour.  That’s a steal if you only have small databases.

SQL 2008 upgrade & tuning for

Stack Overflow

I’ve mentioned Jeff Atwood of a few times over the years here, and it bears repeating: he writes a great blog for developers, and DBAs need to read it too.  I also follow him on Twitter, and a couple of weeks ago he mentioned he was having problems deciphering execution plans:

Holy cow – I could actually help the world’s most dangerous programming blogger with something!  I fired off a Tweet and started helping him read execution plans.  One thing led to another, and next thing I know, I’m tuning StackOverflow‘s SQL Server for him.

Now, I’ve done a fair bit of performance tuning, but I should have known that tuning is a little different in Jeff’s world.  The easiest way to explain it is by relaying the first thing out of somebody’s mouth when we start performance tuning:

  • Data warehouse manager – “The nightly loads are taking 6-7 hours a night, and we need to get that number down.”
  • Web site manager – “Our queries are timing out after 30-60 seconds.”
  • Jeff Atwood – “This query is taking 150ms, and I want it faster.”


And I should mention that Jeff’s written blog entries like:

Nooo pressure.  No pressure.

But wait, there’s more.  Usually, when I go into a shop that’s never had a DBA, the server is a mess.  Tables, views, field naming conventions and formats all over the place, no consistency, nobody knows if anything’s actually in use, etc.  Not here.  The schema on this thing was tighter than the Pope’s poop chute, as they say.  (Really, they do.  “They” being my parents.)

There is almost no low-hanging fruit here.  Well, I mean, there’s a little, but we’re not talking big fruit.  Berries.  And they’re eight feet up.  I got all the way down to comparing specific query plans on 2005 vs 2008 to find out why exactly one table was in the wrong join order on the execution plan to save 80ms on a query.  I fixed it with SQL Server’s trace flag 2301 to get it to spend more time building the execution plan, but when we went live, the server couldn’t handle the load on queries using sp_executesql, so I had to rip that back out.  Dammit, I want my 80ms back, and I gotta figure out a way to get it.

Anyway, I’m proud to say that last night I helped Geoff Dalgas upgrade StackOverflow to SQL Server 2008, do more performance tuning.  If StackOverflow is slow today, it’s all me.

Update 10/30 – it was in fact slower, but it wasn’t me.  I blogged about the problems we’re having with SQL Server 2008 full text search performance.

Welcome to the Social…Hell! (My Zune experience)

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I bought a Microsoft Zune 8 to test the new SQLServerPedia video podcasts and the user experience was so unpolished, so unprofessional that I just had to bang out a blog about it.  Looking at the iPod Nano next to the Zune 8, I could never understand why somebody would buy the Zune 8.  Now having used both of them, it makes even less sense.

Forget the bulky size of the device.  Forget the user interface.  Check out the software.  Brand new Zune fresh out of the box, brand new install of the Zune software, connect them together and:

Kablammo.  Okay, okay, no problem, I’ll reboot.  I know how this stuff works.

After a reboot and some black magic, I got it installed.  Great, now I’ll log in.  The window tells me to put in my user name and my password, so I do that, and:

Wait – the error says you want my email address, not the user name I just set up.  Fix your login screen.  And hey, while you’re at it, can you get rid of all the empty space across the bottom?  It looks like I bought the stripper version with no options, and I’m missing a bunch of option boxes or something.  Or maybe you’re being “artsy”.  Whatever.

Poor decisions on screen space abound throughout the program.  Check out this screenshot:

Big huge window, tons of white space, and they choose to cram the message into a tiny messagebox in the middle of the screen and put a scroll bar on it.  Why do I need to scroll through a message when you have all this white space all over the screen?  You think I want to concentrate on the white space?  Is the message that bad that you don’t want me to see it?

Now let’s test those podcasts.  I set up the Zune one-click subscription link (rather spiffy), subscribe to the podcasts and watch the downloads start.  Nice download progress bars – or are they?

Both progress bars are gradients, and they don’t change as the download changes?  The 27% bar and the 10% bar look exactly the same.  I’m not sure what you call the opposite of a progress bar, but that’s what this is.

I was going to keep this thing after I tested our podcasts because I really wanted to give it a shot, but every time I interact with it, it makes my blood pressure rise.  I can EXPENSE this thing as a part of my job, and I STILL won’t keep it – it’s going back to the store tomorrow.

During the several times I had to reboot to get it to work, I ran across an absurdly in-depth review of the Zune 8 versus the iPod Nano.  Read that, and you’ll get a good idea of what a train wreck this thing is.

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio: Group Execute


I’m going to show how to use a new feature in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio: the ability to query groups of servers simultaneously.

In Registered Servers, right-click on a group of servers and click New Query. What comes up will look like a normal query window, but pay close attention to the very bottom of the screen after we run a query:

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Group Execute

“Group L” shows the name of my registered server group. I keep my lab servers in Group L for Lab.

“LAB\Administrator” is the login that was used for authentication. (Okay, you caught me, I’m logging in as the domain admin. Thank goodness this isn’t a blog post about security.)

“Master” is the database, of course, and it would make sense to use Master because it’s one of the few databases we know exist on every server.

“6 rows” is obviously the number of rows the query returned, but let’s take a look at the query and the number of rows:

SSMS 2008 Querying Multiple Servers At Once

I ran a “SELECT GETDATE()” against this group of servers, and SQL Server Management Studio did the hard work for me: it connected to every SQL Server in the group, ran that query, and then combined the results back into a single results grid. It automatically added a “Server Name” column at the beginning of my results to identify which server (and which instance) the results came from. If we ran a query that returned multiple rows per server, that would work fine too.

This query would be useful if we wanted to check the dates on all of our servers, but let’s be honest – that’s not a big problem for us database administrators. We’re geniuses.

Taking a SQL Server Inventory with SSMS 2008

Let’s go tackle a harder problem, like taking an inventory:

Getting Multiple SQL Server Versions
Run SP_Configure on Multiple Servers

In the above example, I’ve grabbed the SQL Server version for each of my instances. Now we’re starting to get somewhere, but what we really want is the kind of detailed information we can get from sp_configure, so let’s see how that looks:

Now we’re cookin’ with gas – but wait. Look at that first column. We’re getting lots of data back, multiple rows for each server, and it’s hard to compare this data back and forth. For example, maybe I want to see whether “allow updates” is turned on for all of my servers – so I should probably sort by “name”, right?

Can’t Really Order By with SSMS 2008 Group Execute

Uh oh – turns out that doesn’t work. Remember, SQL Server Management Studio simply runs this same query on every single instance, then dumps the data into the SSMS results window. It doesn’t process the query results together. You can’t “join” between tables on different servers – well, you can, but you have to set up linked servers, and that doesn’t really have anything to do with the Group Execute functionality.

Another thing you’ll want to do is take this data and insert it into a table. Again, no dice there – if you try to insert this into a temp table like this:


SSMS will execute that query on every single server, so every server will end up with its own temporary table with one record in it. Not exactly what you wanted.

Next up on our feature list: the ability to schedule these multi-server queries and take action on the results. I might want to run a query every night checking for failed jobs or sp_configure changes. Again, not going to happen – this can’t be automated with a SQL Server Agent job. This functionality only lives in SQL Server Management Studio.

Be Aware of Case Sensitive Collations

One more thing you want to be aware of: if any of your servers are case-sensitive, then you need to write all of your group execute queries in the proper case. I recommend that if you’ve got any case-sensitive instances, then use a case-sensitive instance as your personal testbed server like on your workstation. That way, as you’re writing new utility queries, you’ll know for sure that they’ll succeed on your case-sensitive instances. It’s a real pain to bang out a hundred-line utility query only to find out you’ve got case errors all over the place when you try to execute it.

It might sound like I’m down on this feature, but I’m not: it’s really useful. I love using it to quickly find out a piece of information across lots of servers, like find out if there’s any locking or deadlocks going on. It’s also really useful if you’ve implemented a Central Management Server as a centralized list of your instances. But it’s not a solution for automated reporting or proactive reporting.

Worry not – SQL Server 2008 has a different new feature specifically aimed at automated, proactive management: Policy-Based Management.  More on that later.