SQL Server

SQL Server Setup Feature List Changes 2008-2017

SQL Server
If you happen to install several SQL Servers in a row, you’ll notice differences from over the years in the feature list. SQL Server 2008 Ah, a simpler time. When you got to the feature selection screen, here were your choices: SQL Server 2008 feature selection In case you’ve forgotten, Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS)…
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A Strange Place For A Memory Grant

If You Hang Around Fetish Bars Long Enough… You learn things about memory grants in execution plans. Stuff like the things that usually need memory Hash Join Hash Match Sort Parallelism Exchanges But there’s something that rarely gets discussed, even in the deepest, darkest, dankest dungeons. Let’s loosen the clamps and look at it. Keys…
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Where Clustered Index Keys Dare

Colonel Clustered We’ve blogged a couple times about how clustered index key columns get stored in your nonclustered indexes: here and here. But where they get stored is a matter of weird SQL trivia. You see, it depends on how you define your nonclustered index. “It Depends” We all scream for dependencies! Hooray! If you…
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When Query Plans Lie Part 2

Getting Weirder In Part 1, we looked at how query plans can tell us little lies. Now we’re going to look at how those little lies can turn into bigger lies. Adding An Index Right now, this is our query: Transact-SQL SELECT u.UpVotes, u.DownVotes FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE u.Reputation >= 100000; 123 SELECT u.UpVotes,…
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Parameter Fluid Optimization

SQL Server
Optimizer Studies I don’t have a real job, which means that if something strikes my fancy, like staring at a spot on the wall for an hour, I can do it. Occasionally things are a bit more inspired, and so I go poking around what SMRT PPL might be up to. All you nice people…
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So You Wanna Debug SQL Server Part 2

SQL Server
Birth Control Debugging, and, heck, even learning about debugging, is a time-consuming and often unhelpful process when it comes to tracking down issues in SQL Server. It is arduous and tedious, and yields little chance of making you any friends. So why write about it? Mostly because no one else is willing to — at…
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So You Wanna Debug SQL Server Part 1

SQL Server
Start here! This is a gentle introduction to getting set up and started. I’m nowhere near as good at this as I want to be, but I’ve been inspired by a couple wizards: Bob the Ward and Paul the White. The first thing you need to do is go download WinDbg (or the debugger of your…
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How to Restore a SQL Server Database into Azure SQL DB Managed Instances Redux

Anything Brent Can Do There’s some things you can do with Managed Instances, and some ways you can look at data that you can’t do elsewhere. For instance, you have the ability to start an restore ASYNC — that means if your session drops, the restore will continue headlessly in the background. There’s nothing about…
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Azure SQL DB Managed Instances: We’re All GUIDs

Six is having problems adjusting to his clone status Some funny things happen when you create databases up in a Managed Instance. For Instance (HEH!), you may expect this to yield some fruitful results, but it Manages (HAH!) to defy logic. Transact-SQL CREATE DATABASE YourMom; SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE name = 'YourMom'; 12345 CREATE DATABASE YourMom; SELECT…
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