Cloud Computing


SQL Azure Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft Azure
On Monday 2/1, SQL Azure goes commercially live.  Microsoft’s charging for service now, and that means it’s officially official. I talk to a lot of enterprise DBAs, project managers, and developers about SQL Server in the cloud.  Here’s some of the questions I get asked most often. What is SQL Azure? SQL Azure is Microsoft’s…
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Playing Around with SQL Azure and SSMS

Microsoft Azure
The latest build of SQL Server Management Studio for SQL 2008 R2 includes built-in support for SQL Azure.  The November CTP is still only a feature-complete preview, not a release candidate, so don’t go installing it willy-nilly on your production desktop. To use this, you’ll need a SQL Azure account.  You can register for an…
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Microsoft SQL Azure: The Flat Pack Database

Microsoft Azure

Erika’s friends call her “Fancy Feast” because she only likes the best things in life. She’s got champagne tastes, but we can’t afford to buy the best of everything. I recently picked up a coffee table from Ikea, and it got me thinking about SQL Azure.

In a perfect world, I’d have on-premise SQL Server for every database. I’d use cutting-edge storage and cluster everything. But this isn’t a perfect world…

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Sky Blue Screen of Death

Microsoft Azure
1 Comment
I don’t have anything insightful to add, but Microsoft’s Azure cloud service suffered its first nearly day-long outage.  I have this vision of looking up to the clouds and seeing a giant BSOD, only with lighter colors. Might be the flu medicine, though.  I’ll be back in the game tomorrow or Wednesday.
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Amazon EC2 Windows support now live!

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
You can now spin up a virtual server in Amazon’s datacenter with Windows running. Even better, you can spin up a fresh new SQL Server for around $1 per hour. Amazon Web Services Blog announcement on Windows support Amazon EC2 description with Windows and SQL Server pricing And of course, this comes on a day…
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Amazon EC2 will offer Windows hosting

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
A lot of cool things are happening at PDC this year, and Amazon’s already showing their cards: Amazon EC2 will offer Windows hosting. That means you can turn on a brand new Windows machine – or ten – and pay by the hour according to the capacity you’re using.  Less than a dollar an hour…
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Amazon’s new virtual computing system

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Amazon just announced EC2, their rent-a-datacenter plan. You build a custom virtual machine using their tools, and upload it to them. Then you can turn on that virtual machine anytime you want for a whopping ten cents per hour. It gets even better – if you have scalability needs, like if your site suddenly becomes…
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