Are You Underpaid? Let’s Find Out: The Data Professional Salary Survey is Open.


It’s time for our annual salary survey to find out what data professionals make. You fill out the data, we open source the whole thing, and you can analyze the data to spot trends and do a better job of negotiating your own salary:

I make my query bucks the hard way

Take the Data Professional Salary Survey now. The survey is now closed.

The anonymous survey closes Sunday, January 5, 2020. The results will be completely open source, and shared with the community for your analysis.

Want to write up your analysis and get new readers for your blog? Check out the format of the results as they come in, and click File, Download to get them in Excel format. Get your data flows ready, and then check back here on Tuesday, January 7 for the final results. We’ll gather the list of blog posts as they come out, and then on the following Tuesday, January 15th, we’ll publish a followup post with links to yours. (It helps you get more readers.)

Thanks for your help in giving everybody in the community a better chance to talk honestly with their managers about salary.

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10 Comments. Leave new

  • danielle.paquette-harvey
    December 11, 2019 9:54 am

    Hey Brent, thank you so much for this survey! I love it every year! It would be interesting to enter the name of the biggest city in a 20 miles range of work. That way, everybody working in the area of (let’s say) Montreal, could easily compare to each other. Because cost of life vary greatly between the province of Quebec and British Columbia for example. So of course my salary will be lower than many people in British Columbia.

    • You’re welcome. The problem with full text fields is that people tend to put all kinds of variants in, like Montreal CA, Montreal, Montreal Canada, etc. Hell, I can’t even get them to reliably put their salaries in right and that’s just a number, hahaha.

  • Brent, this is always interesting. Thanks for the initiative to put this out there.

    Some humble suggestions…
    1) As a manager who is in the trenches working with my employees in a DevOps environment while administering six DB technologies, full stack Azure and AWS management, as well as a fair amount of development tasks, multiple choice would be interesting, but only 1 is allowed, maybe let that be multi-choice?

    2) For managers, how many?

    3) Are you expected to be available 24/7 (some folks are not)?

    4) Level of expertise on the team… Managing a team of Junior vs Senior DBAs are equally challenging for different reasons.

    5) Who do you report to? VP, SVP, CTO, etc.

    6) Number of direct reports? (team & company)

    7) Some sort of workload question. i.e. 8/day 10/day 12/day

    8) Industry would be interesting, beyond sector, like Banking/financial, Healthcare, Cloud provider, etc.

    Anyway, surely you thought of some or all of these and have good reasons, but the analysis would be very interesting with some of those data points.

    Thanks again.

  • […] Brent Ozar announces the 2020 edition of the Data Professional Salary Survey: […]

  • Hey Brent, please split Serbia and Montenegro in your country dropdown 🙂
    You are just 13 years late: “The last vestiges of the former Yugoslavia, 88 years after its creation, came to an end upon Montenegro’s formal declaration of independence on 3 June 2006, and Serbia’s formal declaration of independence on 5 June.”


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