Heaps, Deletes, and Optimistic Isolation Levels

The Humble Heap

If you don’t know this by now, I’m going to shovel it at you:

If you have a table with no clustered index (a Heap), and you delete rows from it, the resulting empty pages may not be deallocated.

You’ll have a table with a bunch of empty pages in it, and those pages will be read whenever the Heap is scanned.

Under “normal” circumstances, you can use a TABLOCK or TABLOCKX hint along with your delete to force the deallocation to happen.

Otherwise, you’re left relying on your delete query possibly escalating to a table level lock, and releasing the pages on its own (absent a rebuild table command).

This is true under any pessimistic isolation level. This is not true under optimistic isolation levels (Snapshot, RCSI).

Demonstrate My Syntax

Here’s some stuff:

We have a Heap with a nonclustered primary key. This sounds misleading, but it’s not. A nonclustered PK is not a substitute for a clustered index.

It’s there to speed up the delete that we’ll run in a minute.

We have a couple ways to look at the Heap.

A query I kinda hate:


And sp_BlitzIndex:

Such Happy Days

What do we know from looking at these?

  • The first query tells us that our heap has 14,200 pages in it, and the NC/PK has 223 pages in it, that there’s no fragmentation (lol I know), and that the average space used for both is pretty high. Our pages are full, in other words.
  • sp_BlitzIndex tells us that our Heap is ~111MB, and our NC/PK is 1.8MB. Both have 100k rows in them. It does not regale us with tales of fragmentation.

Deleting Many Singletons

If a delete comes along — alright, so it’s a row-at-a-time delete (stick with me on this) — and deletes every row in the table, what happens?

I’m doing the delete like this because it will never escalate to a table level lock on its own, but I’m hinting a table level lock for EVERY delete.

You can do this in other ways to avoid them, but this is the path of least resistance.

What do our exploratory queries have to say?

Shruggy the Shrugger

We have 0 rows in the table, but pages are still allocated to it.

In the case of the Heap, all pages remain allocated, and it retains the same size.

In the case of the NC/PK, about 200 pages were deallocated, but not all of them were (yet — more on this later).

So that’s… fun. I’m having fun.

You can get slightly different results without the loop.

If you just delete everything, the Heap will remain with all its pages in tact. The NC/PK will (as far as I can tell) be reduced to a single page.


Under both RCSI and SI, if we use a TABLOCK hint instead of TABLOCKX…


The size of, and the number of pages in the NC/PK effectively DOUBLES.



Repetition Is Everything

I left other code in there if you want to try it at home with other combinations.

You can also try it under Read Committed if you’d like, to see different results where pages are deallocated.

Now, you can fix this by running ALTER TABLE dbo.HeapMe REBUILD;, which will release all the empty pages back.

Deletes Mangle Scans

If we run a couple simple queries, things get awkward.

The first query, which needs to access data via the Heap, does a lot of extra work.

The query that hits the PK/NC does significantly less (comparatively)



Why does this happen?

My pedestrian explanation is that when the deletes happen, and rows get versioned out to tempdb, the pointers keep the pages allocated just in case.

Why don’t they deallocate afterwards?

It looks like they do deallocate from the NC/PK the next time a CHECKPOINT/Ghost Record Cleanup process runs.

The Heap remains Heapy, with all the pages allocated to it though. It’s as if the table level lock never happened.

Does query isolation level matter?

No, setting it to Serializable, Repeatable Read, or anything else results in the same mess.

Thanks for reading!

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • After I Delete the rows, EL HEAPO still has 14.8% average space used. What’s still on those pages?

    Something I find very strange: If you go through the exercise to the end, then try and insert another 10,000 rows into HeapMe, its nearly 10x slower. For me, it took ~2.5 seconds to insert the first time, then ~20. The deletes remain almost the same at ~1:10. I’d expect the inserts to be faster the second time, not slower.

  • What’s the best solution to deal with this retrospectively ? Will a rebuild of the NC PK do the trick, or would a ‘total cleanup’ amount to rebuilding the the file(group)?

    • gb — no, unfortunately just rebuilding the PK/NC won’t help. You’d have to rebuild the table, which would also rebuild the PK/NC, and any other NC indexes you’ve got on there.

  • James Simons-Boswell
    February 7, 2018 5:02 am

    Great illustrative article, I love seeing huge heap tables when I start new positions, it’s like having a corpse in the corner of the room, you’re not quite sure when it is going to start to cause trouble or how much, you just know it will at some point.

  • Andrew Hill
    May 21, 2019 7:16 pm

    I’ve been seeing large amounts of unused but allocated pages on CLUSTERED indexes within my database requiring REBUILD, ( i think this is because the index regularly receives inserts that are PK collisions) DBCC page shows a repeating pattern of 1 used, 7 or so unused pages in sequential order.


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