ColumnStore Indexes: Rowgroup Elimination and Parameter Sniffing In Stored Procedures


Over on his blog, fellow Query Plan aficionado Joe Obbish has a Great Post, Brent® about query patterns that qualify for Rowgroup Elimination. This is really important to performance! It allows scans to skip over stuff it doesn’t need, like skipping over the dialog in, uh… movies with really good fight scenes.

Car chases?



Fad Gadget

With Joe’s permission (we’re a polite people, here) I decided to pick on one of the queries that was eligible for Rowgroup Elimination and stick it in a stored procedure to see what would happen. I’m interested in a couple things.

  1. Is Rowgroup Elimination considered safe with variables?
  2. Will the plan change if different numbers of Rowgroups are skipped?

With those in mind, let’s create a proc to test those out. Head on over to Joe’s post if you want the setup scripts.

With literal values, the optimizer/storage engine/unicorn toenails behind the scenes are able to figure out which Rowgroups are needed to satisfy our query.

With stored procedures, though, the first execution will cache a particular plan, and the rest of the queries will reuse that plan.

Let’s test our first hypothesis! Will different passed in values result in appropriate Rowgroup Elimination?

All of those queries use the exact same execution plan:

Cache Me Outside

But do they all use it as efficiently?

Well, in short, no.

Things start off okay, and to be fair, Rowgroup Elimination occurs as appropriate.

But once our high ID hits 10000000, things start to slow down.

And by the time we hit ID 100000000, things have melted into a fondue almost no one would want.

Five seconds! Five! Who has that kind of time on their hands?

The performance cliff can be further exposed by incrementing IDs between 10000000 and 100000000.

While Rowgroup Elimination occurs just like before, CPU keeps on going up.

It looks like we found a potential tipping point where a different plan would be more effective.

State of Confusion

So where are we? Well, we found that Rowgroup Elimination is possible in stored procedures with ColumnStore indexes, but that the cached plan doesn’t change based on feedback from that elimination.

  • Good news: elimination can occur with variables passed in.
  • Bad news: that cached plan sticks with you like belly fat at a desk job

Remember our plan? It used a Stream Aggregate to process the MAX. Stream Aggregates are preferred for small, and/or ordered sets.

How do we know this is the wrong plan, here? How can we test it?

If we run the stored proc once the regular way, and once with a RECOMPILE hint, well…

The query plans decide to be cheeky and have similar costs. You’ll notice that the Hash Match plan is 51% of the cost, and the Stream Aggregate plan is 49%. The relative difference is tiny, though. The Stream Aggregate plan costs 27.8431 query bucks, and the Hash Match plan costs 28.8442 query bucks. That’s a difference of 1.0011 query bucks, which is exactly the cost difference between the Stream Aggregate operator, and the Hash Match operator.

No Cache No Care

But in this case, cost is one of those awful, lying metrics. Let’s look at the different execution times.

The plan with the RECOMPILE hint finished in 49ms. That’s, like, 1000x faster. The difference of course is the Hash Match Aggregate operator replacing the Stream Aggregate operator.

So what happens if we run things in reverse order after freeing the cache?

It turns out that the Hash Match Aggregate plan is just as good for the ‘small’ query. It has the same metrics that it did when using the Stream Aggregate plan when it ran first. In this case, there are no other differences to account for, like Key Lookups, or Parallelism.

Happy Mondays

We’ve come this far, so let’s answer one last question: At which point will ol’ crazypants choose the Hash Match plan over the Stream Aggregate plan? To answer that, we’ll go back to our original test scheme, and add in recompiles so each execution gets a fresh plan.

Limited Values Of Helpful

The answer is, unfortunately, pretty early on. The second query chooses the Hash Match plan, which means that, well, almost every single execution would have been better off with a different set of values passed in first, and the Hash Match plan chosen. Hmpf.

Human League

What did we learn, after all these words? Rowgroup Elimination is possible in stored procedures, but it doesn’t provide any feedback to plan choice. No matter how many were eliminated or not, the plan remained the same. As eliminations decreased, performance got worse using the ‘small’ plan. This is textbook parameter sniffing, but with a twist.

I also tested this stuff on 2017, and there was no Adaptive magic that I could find.

Thanks for reading!

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