New Sample Databases From Microsoft

SQL Server

In celebration of AdventureWorks being out of business for a decade

Microsoft has released a couple new databases. Wide World Importers is a fresh-faced start up, probably a drug smuggling front, run out of a basement office next to a temp agency.

There’s some JSON involved. No one ordered bikes. It’s a hoot.

The OLTP database is about 120mb, and the data warehouse is around 50mb. Hopefully no inflation will be necessary.

Head on over and check them out.

Thanks for reading!

Brent says: as a presenter & author, I gave up on the Microsoft sample databases and switched over to StackOverflow’s public database. It’s elegantly simple (just a handful of tables), has real-world data distribution, there’s plenty of interesting sample queries available, and is big enough that you can demonstrate real performance tuning issues. (120MB? Really?)

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • The Data Warehouse is 50 MB. I think someone does not understand what a Data Warehouse is. Unless there is some really amazing compression going on there.

  • John is right: if you want a larger sample database, you can run scripts to create the databases from scratch and populate them with more data.
    The scripts are not that efficient though, so you have to wait quite some time.

    Another great feature is that you can schedule scripts to keep the data up to date with the current date. This is a major improvement, in contrast with AdventureWorks.

    You don’t have to be negative all the time 😉

  • I just generated the DW for WWI and with some slightly bigger seeding settings (data for Sundays for example) I get a DW with a size of 370MB (of which about 200MB in data).

    Not exactly big (I have seen smaller DW though), but still better than AdventureWorks, especially because you can refresh the data.

    Useless for performance tuning examples, but still useful to demo other features. And to build Power BI dashboards on top of. You can generate a much bigger database (just set the average number of orders to a multitude of the default), but the script that generates the data is painfully slow.


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