Oracle Flashback: Undeleting Data


Or, “Oops, I didn’t mean to do that.”

We’ve all had to deal with an accidental deletion or even a dropped table. Sometimes you leave off a where clause, sometimes you drop a table and find out that the change request listed the wrong table. Oracle uses a feature called Flashback to give database professionals the power to view data at different moments in time and take action based on what they find.

Using Flashback on a Dropped Table

No matter how rigorous your practices are, mistakes happen. How do you deal with accidentally dropping a table?

In the SQL Server world, we’d reach for our most recent backup, restore a copy of the database, and hope that the outage didn’t take too long. With Oracle, we can look in the recycle bin.

First we create a table:


And then we drop the table:


Oh no, I meant to drop test_two! Now what?

Thankfully, I can take a look in the recycle bin using the command SHOW RECYCLEBIN:

Okay, now I can see that back in August I dropped a table named BIG_TABLE and our table named TEST is still hanging around. Let’s restore the TEST table:

Crisis averted! I’ve been able to restore the previously deleted table with a new name. I could leave out the RENAME TO portion and restore the table back with its original name, but it’s always possible that someone else has restored the table. Instead, it’s a probably a better practice to safely restore the table with a different name and then change the name with an ALTER TABLE:

Fixing Row Level Mistakes with Flashback

Let’s keep using our test table. Here’s what the data looks like now:

That data isn’t right. I need to know when the right data was present so I can get the right row in place. In order to do that, I can use the VERSIONS clause to tell Oracle to bring back specific versions of rows present for this particular table:

All the rows, all the time.
All the rows, all the time.

Now we can see a history of the row with an id of 6!

  • The row was inserted at 9:38AM.
  • At 9:41, someone corrected the things column to read SIX.
  • At 9:48, someone update the things column back to FIVE – which we know is wrong.

How do we get the correct row back?

If we’d configured the database to track supplemental log data, we could use the view flashback_transaction_query and grab the UNDO_SQL column to rollback that one command. Since I have not configured tracking supplemental log data, we’ll have to be a little bit trickier.

Thankfully, we can use some UPDATE shenanigans to get exactly the rows that we want:


Holy cow, we got our row back! Make sure you COMMIT the transaction (remember – Oracle won’t auto-commit like SQL Server).

Looking Into the Past

If you hadn’t guessed, it’s even possible to view the contents of a table as of a moment in time using the AS OF TIMESTAMP clause:


This functionality makes it possible for analysts to undo changes to the database, review changes for auditing purposes, or even to recalculate historical reports based on newer formulas.

The Tip of the Iceberg

Undeleting tables and reviewing previous rows is only a small portion of what you can accomplish with Oracle Flashback. Entire transactions can be flashed back, databases can be rolled back to a point in time, or the Data Archive feature can be used to house all changed versions of rows for all time. But even without diving into more advanced features, Oracle Flashback gives database professionals the powerful ability to correct for “oops” deletions in the application.

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