The Evolution of SQL Server Instrumentation

SQL Server

One of my favorite things about SQL Server is the instrumentation. It’s incredibly good at giving you information about what’s going on in the database engine and query optimizer.

Want to know why your server is slow? Need to know what made it go offline? You have a lot of tools available.

This hasn’t always been the case. One of the toughest things about the old SQL Server 2000 is the lack of instrumentation. The tools that help you improve SQL Server have all been added in the last 10 years.


The cool thing is that the instrumentation gets better and better with each version of SQL Server– new features get new Dynamic Management Views and functions. And sometimes we get a whole new feature to help us get insight into SQL Server.

If you’ve still got SQL Server 2000 instances where performance and availability is important, explain to your management how limited the tools are to diagnose and repair issues. SQL Server’s come an awful long way!

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Andrew Notarian
    February 20, 2014 8:40 am

    It seems sad that in 2014 a company concerned about performance and availability still be running 2000. They really missed the boat now that the license model has changed.

  • In 2014 MSDE2000 SP4 (custom) installation still adds only 5MB to your application full download (less than MDAC setup). It’s like legacy JET on steroids.

  • very proper notice, Kendra! it would be great to see a more detailed analysis, when you have time.


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