Building a Report to View Memory Usage

SQL Server

Memory is one of the most-used resources in SQL Server. Generally, the more you have, the better query performance you’ll get. This blog isn’t about the magic of the buffer pool or the plan cache, but you should understand how important they are to your server’s performance.  Since memory is such an important resource, you want to know how much of it you’re using at any time.

How can you track your server’s memory usage? One way is to use the Performance Monitor (Perfmon) counters exposed through the sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV. One indicator of memory performance is Page Life Expectancy (PLE). You can capture basic memory usage over time by setting up a SQL Server Agent job to query this DMV, inserting the results into a table, and reporting on the table results.

I’ll show you how to collect this data and report on it!

Collecting the Data

I have a “DBAInfo” database on my instance that I use to track metrics and other information. I create a new table, MemoryHistory.

Then, I create a new SQL Server Agent job that runs every 5 minutes.

memory report 1

The only step in this job is the below query, which queries the DMV and inserts the results into the table I created.

memory report 2

I schedule the job to run every five minutes.

memory report 3

Viewing The Data

Now, this data isn’t going to do me any good unless I view it, and make a decision or perform an action based on what I learn.

To view the data I’ve collected, I run the following query:

memory report 4

That’s a lot of junk to sort through when all I want to see is PLE, so I narrow down the query a bit.

memory report 5

But who wants to read through results like that each time there’s a problem to see when PLE rose or fell? Not me. I’d rather see it in a graphical format. How can I do that?

SQL Server Reporting Services

I have SSRS at my disposal. I’m going to create a very simple report that will allow me to enter start and end dates, and will display a line chart for PLE during that time.

Reporting on the Data

I set up my report to have DBAInfo as my data source. In order to choose dates, I use the following query as my dataset.

I change my @Start and @End parameters to “Date/Time” so I get a date picker.

I drag a Line Chart onto the design surface and add the CounterValue as my Value and CollectionDateTime as my Category Group.

memory report 6

I can preview the report to view it:

memory report 7

Last but not least, I’ll deploy this report to Report Manager so that I and others can run it, or even schedule a regular subscription.


There are several ways to improve this report. How can you modify the query to capture date and time data individually? How do you add parameters to the report so the user running it can choose their own date range? How would you collect and display data for different instances?

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • object_name column of sys.dm_os_performance_counters includes instance name so job’s first step can be something like
    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
    WHERE object_name = COALESCE(‘MSSQL$’ + NULLIF(@@SERVICENAME, ‘MSSQLSERVER’), ‘SQLServer’) + ‘:Buffer Manager’;[/code]

  • Alexander Mou
    November 4, 2013 3:01 pm

    Great stuff! I modified your code to monitor any counter by introducing a parameter @Counter

    Server status data query:
    Use DBAinfo
    INSERT INTO MemoryHistory
    SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, object_name, counter_name, cntr_value
    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
    WHERE object_name like ‘%Buffer Manager%’;

    1.Any counter
    SELECT ID, CollectionDateTime, CounterName, CounterValue
    FROM MemoryHistory
    WHERE CounterName = @Counter
    AND CONVERT(DATE, CollectionDateTime) >= @Start
    AND CONVERT(DATE, CollectionDateTime) <= @End;

    2.CounterNameList (for dropdown parameter @Counter)
    FROM MemoryHistory
    ORDER BY CounterName

    The chart title is made dynamic with an expression:
    ="Chart: "+Parameters!Counter.Value

  • Jes,

    How can you view data for multiple days? I’m using the following in my where clause but I can only view data for one particular day. I can’t span multiple days.

    WHERE CONVERT(DATE, collection_datetime) = @Start
    AND CONVERT(DATE, collection_datetime) = @End

  • Nevermind, I figured it out.

    • Jes Schultz Borland
      January 28, 2014 8:51 am

      Cool, glad you did. For anyone else that might have the same question:
      To get date ranges in queries, use WHERE Date >= @StartDate AND Date <= @EndDate.

  • Edgar Allan Bayron
    June 27, 2021 3:55 am

    your WHERE clause in the SSRS part is not SARGable, is it ok?

    • If you want to performance tune it, you’re absolutely welcome to. This is a starting point – we gotta leave you some work to do, right? If we did your entire job for you, you wouldn’t have a job anymore. 😉


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