Month: May 2013

Mix and Match Databases: Dealing with Data Types

SQL Server
Moving between databases is hard enough, try using multiple databases in the same application and you might start thinking you’ve gone insane. Different application demands for accessibility, redundancy, backwards compatibility, or interoperability make this a possibility in the modern data center. One of the biggest challenges of running a heterogeneous database environment is dealing with…
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Database Quick Fire Challenge

SQL Server
Celebrity cooking shows are popular around Brent Ozar Unlimited®. We watch Top Chef for the creative cooking as much as the human drama. Contestants on Top Chef face huge challenges – they’re working alone, have a limited set of tools, have a fixed set of ingredients, and operate under ridiculously strict time guidelines. What makes…
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Monitoring SSD Performance

SQL Server, Storage
Everyone wants to make sure they’re getting the best performance out of their solid state storage. If you’re like a lot of people, you want to make sure you’re getting what you paid for, but how do you know for sure that the drive is performing well? Watch that Average The first way to monitor…
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sp_Blitz® v22: Output Results to a Table, Better Comments, and an App

SQL Server
Our free server troubleshooting tool, sp_Blitz®, just learned some new tricks. If you call it like this: EXEC dbo.sp_Blitz @OutputDatabaseName = ‘DBAtools’, @OutputSchemaName = ‘dbo’, @OutputTableName = ‘BlitzResults’ It will create the table DBAtools.dbo.BlitzResults (if it doesn’t already exist) and insert the results. The table includes columns for the server name and the check date,…
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Indexing Wide Keys in SQL Server

Indexing, SQL Server
Key length matters in SQL Server indexes. It’s a best practice to keep your index keys as narrow as possible, and SQL Server enforces a maximum key length of 900 bytes on most “normal” clustered and nonclustered indexes. But what happens if you want to optimize the lookup of a wide column? You’re not necessarily…
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If there's such a thing as Data Science, why not Data Sauce?

3 Steps to Finding Your Secret Sauce

SQL Server
If there’s such a thing as Data Science, why not Data Sauce? It’s difficult to define why some things are wildly successful in a sea of forgettable products. Some recipes have a mysterious umami that comes from a subtle dash or two of magical sauce. In business and technology there’s an indefinable edge that sets…
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The Basics of Database Sharding

SQL Server
There are many ways to scale out your database; many of these techniques require advanced management and expensive add-ons or editions. Database sharding is a flexible way of scaling out a database. In this presentation, Jeremiah Peschka explains how to scale out using database sharding, covers basic techniques, and shares some of the pitfalls. This…
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